Monday, November 10, 2014

Come to Jesus!

I was diagnosed earlier this year with Type II Diabetes. Last Wednesday I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis. My thyroid has been messed up with nodules since Dec 2011. In addition, I was born with a spinal birth defect which causes tons of spinal pain, and as I've learned from my Chiropractor, the health of the spine has a great deal to do with your overall health. I'm in so much pain on a daily basis that I've now become a shut in. Some days are better than others, but its a battle every day. But God is helping me find humor through the pain. I hadn't left my house in over 3 months and last Wednesday on the way to the doctor's office, I realized as I drove down one particular street, that they had raised the speed limit from 35 t0 40. I said inwardly..."You might know you're a shut in if the next time you actually leave your house, they've changed the speed limit, built new buildings, torn down others, etc., I mean, I could do this one all day!

I'm also a bi-polar, so depression is a part of it, but no matter how bad things get, God always has this way of pulling me up from my "depths of despair" to teach me something wonderful! This last weekend, He did just that! I had suddenly become intrigued that a trapezoid could make a picture of an animal in the stars, so I looked it up. In the NASA article I read they mentioned the Big and Little Dippers. Suddenly, I felt like a brick had hit me in the face! It was one of those WOW moments! (Like WOW I may feel half dead, but I'M STILL LEARNING STUFF! AWESOME)! 

Let me explain it this way: When Jesus met the woman at the well, He asked her for a drink and got a pretty nasty answer. He told her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water." Then she asked Jesus, "Where can you get this living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us this well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?" Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them, will never thirst. Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:10-13).

All of a sudden, I realized the reason God gave us those stars that form ladles in the sky. I believe they are there to remind Christians that Jesus is the living water! Ladles are also used to scoop soup, stew, etc., so they also represent the red meat of the Word of God! It may sound kind of bizarre but science has never been my strong suit, so when I saw the Dippers mentioned, it suddenly hit me that a ladle is needed to lift water out of the bucket from a "well!" WOW! I think my faith grew 3x that night! I was thinking about John Hagee calling the sun, moon and stars, "God's Billboard." When it hit me what the dippers in the sky mean it was a true WOW moment! I mean, how cool is that? I'm sure others have thought of it before, which makes me feel slow, but I've always been a bit slow, especially emotionally due to traumatic events in my childhood, but God has me on HIS clock!

The dippers in the sky go directly with this scripture! We as Christians, will never thirst again! I had never looked at them in that way. No wonder Paul said "Men are without excuse." His glory is all around us, especially in the sky! Even Jesus said there would be signs in the "sun, moon and stars," that would be a sign of his coming! I believe that God put the Dippers in the stars to show us His love and to remind us that we will have a spring of living water bursting from inside of us as He promised we would. A Spring of water welling up to eternal life!

The one most valuable lesson I have learned as a Christian, is that when you put God in the center of your life? Everything else tends to come together, no matter the pain, the hurt or what it is you are going through. He's never left my side just like He'll never yours.

Please Come to Jesus? He is waiting for you! He is knocking on the door of your heart if you are for some miraculous reason reading this post! Tell Him your secrets, your sins and ask for forgiveness every day! I promise you, the only thing that will change is that you'll wind up in heaven instead of hell and Jesus? Well, He'll become your best friend! But watch out for the devil because he will try everything he can to derail the plans God has for you! Jesus loves us and He is trying to protect us, mostly from ourselves. We are the only ones who can choose to believe, or not to believe, so please choose Life?

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believeth in Him, would not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16).