Monday, August 29, 2016

Can I Help You Pack Mr. Kaepernick?

As most football fans know, as well as others, Colin Kaepernick of the 49rs, sat down thru the last three preseason games during the National Anthem. It wasn't until this last Sunday, that he was in full uniform, carrying his #7, that people finally noticed.

I have a message for Mr. Kaepernick, and any other person who HATES this country, for whatever reason.


I'm sorry folks, but when I heard about this behavior from this SPOILED ROTTEN adopted BRAT, who's adoptive parents are white, I lost it! The kid's had everything handed to him on a silver platter! He's got this "I'm mad at the world" look all the time, and personally? I think he's a detriment to the Niners and he should be cut from the team! 

I don't care if he converted to Islam or what he converted to, when you're representing the NFL, which is as American as "apple pie," and refuse to stand with your hand over your heart with your teammates as this song is played, it's just downright disrespectful!

This song was written by Francis Scott Key while watching a battle from a ship. He took note, especially of the flag because it was tattered and torn, but it was still waving! This is a testament to the bravery of our Patriotic Founders and the God who gave us an impossible victory over the British, who outnumbered us and had the largest Navy in the world. They were beaten by a General and a bunch of farmers!

I really used to enjoy Colin playing "who's got the football." Now? I just want him GONE from the Niners and I hope he fades to the last column of every sports section in the United States. This act was so UN-AMERICAN, it shouldn't be tolerated by Chip Kelly, his teammates or the league! 

Why is this okay, but the NFL denies the Cowboy's request to add stickers to their helmets to remember the five fallen officers who were ambushed and murdered in Dallas? This is just pure CRAP and it needs to be nipped in the bud Goodell! (Man, I really wish he'd retire! He's the worst NFL commish ever!).

I'm sorry Colin, but if you'd like? I'd love to help you and any other AMERICA HATING individual PACK and ship your boxes anywhere in the world you want them to go! I've had it with crybabies like you.

Here's the song, as sung by Sandi Patty. She became famous when Ronald Wilson Reagan, our 40th President, had her sing the National Anthem when they unveiled the restored Statue of Liberty.  

Next time you look at that flag? Remember, those "colors don't run!" This is one of those moments that should NOT be overlooked! If you don't like this country? LEAVE! Nobody is keeping you here. You're free to leave at anytime!

God bless the United States of America and Long May that Glorious Flag of Ours Wave!                                                  

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