Thursday, August 11, 2016

No More Pain

"Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases." (Psalm 103:2-3).

I live with chronic pain, every day. I've been giving this blog my all, every day as of late, no matter what, and I do hope that it's reaching people for Jesus Christ! We have so little time left to disagree about politics, religion, over what to cook for dinner....those are all pretty much minor things, when you really put things into perspective?

I'm having a bad night tonight, and I would appreciate your prayers. I hope you're all doing well, that things are going great, that your relationship with the Lord is on track and set to break records of hours spent in prayer over our failing nation. I predicted, after Britain decided to leave the European Union, that Trump will be our next President, and that he'll take us isolationist again. (Last time was during the late 30's. We didn't get involved in WWII until Pearl Harbor, 12-7-41). 

My point? Well, Britain did it. We're next. It fits, again with (ad nauseum, I know), Ezekiel 38-39! It says that "The Merchants of Tarshish and the villages (or young lions), will say, 'have you come to take a plunder?' It will be, without a doubt, the dumbest question any politician, King or Queen has ever asked. 

What's interesting is that in order for the Merchants of Tarshish to be around, Britain has to leave the European Union. America has to do the same thing, go isolationist, for that part of biblical prophecy to occur.

In any case, If you're having a hard time tonight? Please know, you are being prayed for. I don't like going through tough stuff alone, so if you need a friend, please email me through the address on this blog, or make a comment in the comment section below.

God bless you all, and have a terrific night/day in Christ Jesus!

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JeriAnn Eakin