Friday, August 12, 2016

Stop and Smell The Roses!

I'm really enjoying the roses I've been bringing in every day off of the two rose bushes I planted in our front yard back in 1994. I don't think I've ever seen quite this many roses on those two bushes before! Some are hybrid, pink/yellow & I wind up getting peach colored roses too! 

It's something I've really begun to enjoy and  have"bloomed" significantly in doing it!

As for "Stopping and Smelling the Roses," even if you don't own a rose bush, there are still "Roses" in your life.

Maybe this weekend, you could help a very special "Rose" in your life. Your spouse for instance? Help out with the chores, even if it means mowing the lawn! This goes for all you guys out there too! Pick up your socks, clean up after yourself, etc., and I know she'll appreciate it. (I know I did!).

Just in case, you should complete a few things from the "Honey Do" list! This is a relatively easy thing to do and the best part? Your spouse will be speechless! And you? You'll be the one who saved the day!

If you have children, make sure to set special time aside for them as well, whether it's reading "Good Night Moon," 5 times a night or taking your son to see his/her favorite movie.

Here's one more very important thing to remember. Your kids aren't expecting it, so don't get extravagant. Always be within your household budget. Keep those finances in the black!

Now, sometimes change can throw you, but don't let it. You'd be amazed at what helping others will do for you! It'll put a spring back into your step to be sure, but be careful? Doing nice things for other people? It tends to get pretty addictive!

God bless you all and have a beautiful day!

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JeriAnn Eakin