Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Strong Shoulders

I'm a mess. I'm physically infirmed and I don't get to go and do like I used to be able to do. It makes me feel really worthless not being able to work or do the things I'm so used to doing. I don't go many places these days, except for the doctor's offices I go to. I can't take long drives, long walks, no fun for me! The pain is caused by a spinal birth defect and I don't know where my arthritis came from, but it makes you want to die it hurts so bad. My feet have been affected to the point lately that my feet feel like they are encased in cement! (Ha ha - new definition for "cement shoes" huh?). Some days I feel like I need a wheelchair or a walker just to get to my own kitchen. I have to take it day by day, but that usually just involves more pain and suffering and questions of "Why God Why!" I guess I feel I have more to do and I really want to make my life count for something. I pray for healing all the time, to no avail, but sometimes, God answers NO to a prayer, but He knows the reason and that is good enough for me. Even though I'm suffering and don't understand why, I still trust Him.

The best thing by far I have ever done, is trust in Jesus as my Lord and Savior and believe me, He saves me on a daily basis! My attitude could be awful but when I thank God for allowing me to live one more day, and I ask Him for strength when I know I can't even stand up, He always comes through. Especially in the darkest of times. He saves me from myself everyday! 

You see, Jesus is my fortress and my strong tower. He is where I run to hide when things get really tough. I'm in that place with Him right now. I could go on an on about my pain, but that isn't the point. It's not about me, it's about all of you and whether you're going to trust Jesus. That is what I write this blog for. To reach the lost. 

So what about you? What are you carrying on your shoulders that is too heavy? A mortgage, car payments, tuition for college, losing your job and trying to find another before financial disaster strikes, maybe an illness you are suffering that you don't understand or maybe you're losing or have lost a loved one way too soon. A friend may be facing a terrible illness, maybe even a terminal one and losing a friend or a loved one before their time, especially a child can make you feel like you want to die too. Grief is horrible, even if you're only grieving a dead relationship, it's still difficult. It can hurt so terribly when these awful things happen and these are just some of the horrible things that happen to people every day. How do you handle it? I pray and leave it at the foot of the Cross. "Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 4:7). I know that sounds like "Christian-ease" but it really does help to leave it all at His feet. Sometimes it just helps to think that Jesus is here to hold me up when I feel like I can't do so. I'm sure there have been times in your life where you knew there was something holding you together right? Well, that was God! He does that because He feels compassion for us. That's why He came in the first place, so He could understand His creation! 

Trust me, it's true. Jesus loves you no matter who you are, no matter what you've done, no matter how much pain you've caused, no matter how selfish you are, no matter how many sins you've committed, they have already been wiped out by the blood of the Lamb who came to take away the sins of the world. (John 1:29). All that remains is for you to believe it, confess it, ask God to forgive you and for you to ask Jesus to come and live in you, so He can lead you through the rest of your life. You'll need a good bible to read so you can understand what God expects, but He's not an unforgiving, all judgmental God. Yes, He will judge us, but it's not too late! It's NEVER too late to start your walk with Christ! 

Jesus loves you and He wants to know you. He already knows all of your troubles but He wants to have a personal relationship with you so He can help you get through the troubles you're going through. All that terrible awful junk you're carrying around that's way too heavy? Just give it to Jesus! He'll carry you and all your junk! That is how much He loves you! 

If you're reading this, it's not by coincidence. It's because God is calling your name! He wants you to be saved. He wants to forgive you. God loves you so much, that He gave His only Son to die for you, so that when you became a child of God, you could take the weight off of your shoulders and give it to Jesus to carry for you. His shoulders are big, wide and so strong, He can carry anything and He does so every day of our lives once we are saved! 

This particular scripture always assures me. It's from Hebrews 11:1: "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." But in this same chapter, just five verses down you see that "without faith, it is impossible to please God." A lot of people don't accept Christ because they know their lives will be changed. So what is holding you back? Is it a lack of faith, fear, or maybe you fear having to change things, like the way you talk, the things you do, etc.? Hey, I know the pain of fear. I've suffered a lot of fear throughout my life but Jesus is helping me with it. He'll help you too if you'll just let Him. And if you think about it, fear is the devil's helper! Fear can keep us from doing things that could be fun. When I feel fear now, I think of Jesus standing inside the pool and us standing on the side. He's coaxing us to trust Him and jump into His arms but a lot of times, fear stop us. 

Please don't let the devil get one over on you through fear? Jesus will carry your fear, your pain, your doubts, your situation, He'll take it all! He has big strong broad shoulders that carry the weight of the world. What? Are you afraid all of your junk will make Him fall over? (A lot of people don't understand the metaphor. I was one of those people! lol).

Please, guard your hearts? Don't let the evil one snatch away that mustard seed of faith? Don't let him muscle into your thoughts and take over again? You'll never feel the relief of grace, but that's because that's the last thing the devil wants you to feel! He doesn't want you to feel relief! Jesus wants to know you and take away your burdens! He said, "Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  (Matthew 11:28-29).

You know what my biggest fear is? That those who are perishing through deception won't get a chance to change their minds, that is how close the return of Jesus is. All of the signs are there. He could come and take His Beloved, the Church, up into heaven away from the earth, and all unbelievers will be left behind. The idea of that makes me shiver with Holy fear. 

Believe me, He's waiting for you! And if you feel a tug on your heart as you read this post, that is Him! That's how much He loves you! Besides, in the face of never ending eternal life, is it that big of a deal to say you need forgiveness? I mean, we were all born into sin, so we all need to be forgiven, it's not that it's different for other believers, we all come into the family of God the same way. We trusted Christ to save us, by believing in Him. That He lived. That He was crucified and laid in a borrowed tomb and that He rose again 3 days later! He ministered to many people who were hurting. He washed the disciples feet. He performed miracles giving the blind their site, healing lepers and raising Lazarus from the dead! He performed miracles for many who were hurting, such as the blind, the crippled, lepers, etc., and he hung out with tax collectors and sinners because He wanted to show the love of God to them in hopes that they would believe in Him! 

Please give His strong shoulders a chance? He loves you so much and He wants you with Him when He takes us all home!

Lord, please let those who have an ear, hear what the Spirit says to the churches! (Revelation 3:22).