Tuesday, May 14, 2019

In Awe and Wonder!

Our God is an AWESOME God! He wants you to be in the Family! I tend to pray a lot, like Paul said to. "Pray without ceasing." 1st Thessalonians 5:17, for the lost. It's a burden I feel every day. People are beginning to act in awful ways that we've never seen before, but the bible says that some will fall away from the faith and it sure looks like that's what's going on!

One of the prayers I prayed recently was for myself. I asked God on 2/24/19 if He could restore my gift to play the piano by ear and actually write music again. 

I have a beautiful piano that's just been sitting there collecting dust for 16 years, and giving me nothing but frustration. I couldn't seem to remember how to play! When I got started again, I wrote down the words "Book of Prayer," referring to the bible. When I was finished, it sounded like a 3rd grade praise/worship song. I hadn't written a song in 34+ years. I messed my life up with drugs, so I think that God took that gift away. After writing that tiny piece of work, I went to God and kinda complained? I heard in my brain, "Don't worry, they'll get better." Then I heard a 3 word title that really fit my hermit life. "In the Lonely." 

All of a sudden I was hearing chords in a song, and I ran out to the piano, banged it out and voila, my playing by ear was restored. This occurred in early March. 

Then I got another 3 word title. "In the Lonely," and then set it aside. One day, while watching TV, I started to hear music and lyrics in my head. I immediately stopped what I was doing, and as a vessel, allowed God to write a beautiful song about my pain and how much I need Him each and every day. Then came another 3 words, and so on, and so on, to the point I had to make a list! The list includes the name of the song, and what work needs to be completed on it. I had to write lyrics and then music for each title. 

Every time, it was like I was visited upon by angels or something. And I've now heard 16 titles in my head, completed lyrics and music for 10 of them and have 6 more left to write. I have a feeling that that list is going to get longer, so I need to get on the ball! 

In March, when all of this started, I wondered if my 7th and 8th grade choir teacher, Mrs. Anderson, who also directed me in the adult choir and the junior choir at our church after our music pastor left, had passed away. She also played the organ 2 times a month. She believed I was very talented and wanted me to put my music on a cassette because I couldn't write a note. I never did. Big mistake! 

She and I had been pen-palling throughout the last year until I didn't hear from her at Christmas. I called the church in mid March and discovered she had passed away on January 5th, 2019! Isn't that what we call "miraculous?" I actually have wondered how long she had to petition God to give me my gift back! Ha ha! My relatives including my Mother, God rest her soul, were behind her! I still can't get over this! It's flowing like milk and honey and they are all Christian songs! I never wrote Christian songs, in fact I had a hard time doing that till now! I wrote the most morose love songs because I felt so alone all the time. I was constantly harassed by other kids til 9th grade. I kept my head down and did the work, got really good grades, but our choir teacher in high school was abysmal. She left after my Sophomore year, and guess who came to run the choir after she left? That's right! It was Mrs. Barbara Anderson!  

It's amazing how people can have such a great affect on your life. I wish she was here so I could share this miracle with her, but I still think because she's in heaven, God not only restored my gift, he made it better! 

I'm waiting for the next three word title! I'm listening Lord! Let your GREATNESS flow through me! Let the MUSIC flow through me! Let me continue to be an empty vessel, ready to be refilled once poured out! I am ready for the next 3 word title!

"I stand in awe and wonder!" A gift once lost has now been found! Hallelujah!