Sunday, March 17, 2013

Is Life Making You Weary?

Are you burned out?  

I have been through it a million times as a lot of Christian's have, but whenever I get to the bottom of the mental elevator, I stop and remember the Christians in Africa who are giving their lives daily for the name of Jesus and that leads to thoughts of those in my own back yard who may not yet be saved or even heard the good news of Jesus Christ.

Humbling isn't it?

No matter what you are going through, the Lord is there, and He is carrying you through the rough times and will sit you back down on your feet when He knows you are back on the right track again, but He will always be by your side, walking with you.  So why so much despair?  Have you forgotten His miracles?  All of 'this' is temporal no matter what you are going through!  Plus, it is not God who sends these trials, it is Satan and our own sin that causes us trouble, we're just too proud at times to admit it.  But please, don't lose heart!  For Jesus tarries not!  He is on His way to claim His Bride, and personally?  Throw all the junk news you want at me, I know the truth!  Jesus is my fortress and my shield, and it is my goal, my my one yearning desire in life at least at this stage, is to endure to the end, no matter how painful. 

If you are in the doldrums and know it's sinful, try this.  Read the entire new testament in 31 days!  9 chapters a day.  This is an exersize our entire church did, and while some of us finished on time, (yeah, I was, most of us finished and most of us kept going!  

You need to be challenged.  So read your bible every day because it is by far the most reliable way to keep yourself humble, and useable by the Holy Spirit.  We are vessels that should be filled with the Spirit on a daily basis!  If we're not doing that?  We're burning out!

Allowing the Spirit to convict us when we are wrong and then repenting right away, helps us to remain sin free.  This can be done, for the bible says, "His mercies are new every morning."  Lamentations 13:12, which can be done, for "His mercies are new every morning," (Lamentations 3:22-23).  This means God's forgiveness is free for us at anytime we ask, not just at the moment of salvation!

None of us is perfect, and we need to stay in constant contact with the Lord, and stay within the boundaries He has set for us in order to keep a happy attitude in the Lord going!  This way, others who see us will wonder what we have that they don't!  They need Jesus, so don't let the SADS or the spring cleaning keep you from spending time with Jesus or mentioning Him to everyone you meet.  Even if they spit at you at the mere mention of His name, it's worth it.  

Just remember, balance is the key.  Too many commitments at church may take you away from your family more than it should....cut back.  If you're not doing anything?  Ask the Pastor of the church where you can serve!  It's not that hard!  I'm sure He will have plenty of options for you, or a few people to chat with so that you can start to serve the Lord with a glad heart every minute of every day of every week of every month of every year!

We all need Jesus, especially when we are weak, or are losing our strength or are caught in our sin, which we become comfortable with.  Taking time for yourself with the Lord is the key, and if you aren't doing that on a daily basis, you will see the old you in the mirror again and then wonder what the heck happened.

Stay in touch.  He wants to forgive you.  He wants to teach you.  And above all else, He loves you so much He gave His only son for you!  He simply needs more time with you and you need more time with Him.

Keep the faith.  And don't burn the candle at both ends, just keep it going!  Don't let your light go out!  Jesus needs you now more than ever because we're going home soon!  

I love you all, I pray for you all daily and I truly hope this blog is having an affect on those who read it.  We are in the home stretch folks!  We are on the verge of complete victory!  Don't quit now!

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JeriAnn Eakin