Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Persecution of the Church: In Texas?

Just last week, the City of Houston, Texas subpoenaed 5 local Pastors and told them to turn over all sermons having to do with homosexuality or gender issues. Why? Because of Houston's Mayor Annise Parker. She is openly gay and is pro gay rights. These five Pastor's have made her life a bit difficult of late and she is using her power to intimidate them in what is basically just one more attack on religious freedom in a Nation founded on Judeo Christian values. 

In June, the Houston City Council passed an ordinance allowing their transgendered population  to walk into any public bathroom in town. If the bathroom is a single use, one at a time type of bathroom, no big deal, but a public restroom, say in a restaurant where a man could walk in, possibly exposing himself in front of women and possibly young girls? THAT, I WOULD HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM WITH! Well, many Houston residents agreed with that train of thought so they did exactly what is called for in a situation like this. They put together a petition to get the ordinance put on the ballot in November so that all the citizen's of Houston could vote on the matter, but because Parker knew she would lose that vote, the certification of the 55,000 signatures collected were decertified. 

Those who had gathered the signatures hired a lawyer and sued. Parker responded by intimidating these Pastors through discovery which is absolutely shameful! Instead of a normal discovery process they asked for all sermons, emails, etc., that had to do with anything about homosexuality or gender issues, proving it was a political move. If you're smart you ask for everything, not just the sermons on homosexuality! I think it's the blatant subtlety of it all that infuriates me. The liberal left has watched our President get away with lawless act after lawless act, which has obviously emboldened them, so it's an "in your face," fight between Parker and the Pastors, but she's going to lose. All they wanted is to have the ordinance voted on by the citizens of Houston but instead Parker is using her power to intimidate these Pastor's and frankly? If I lived in Houston? I would be helping whoever mounted a RECALL campaign against her! Not because she's gay, but because she is using the power of her office to openly and shamelessly intimidate these Pastors! She needs to LOSE HER JOB! 

When it's all said and done, this case will end up in an appeals court, possibly the Texas State Supreme Court and possibly all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States who has a habit of upholding the first amendment, so it was really stupid of Parker to start a fight with Christians on this matter. Even if she loses, which she is very likely going to do, she'll move on and bother someone else. Some people aren't happy unless they're fighting with someone?

Every other religion but Christianity has their rights intact. It's only those of us who believe in Jesus Christ that are persecuted anymore. But Jesus himself said,"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first." (John 15:18).

As for the response coming from the Pulpits of America, this particular Pastor really got my attention. Not only did I get a bit of a history lesson on the Baptists and where they come from, but I was very impressed with his entire message. It's making quite the stir out there as well, so if you haven't already seen it, take the time to listen to what he has to say. It's a great message and it needs to make the rounds, far and wide so don't forget to Tweet this post or share it with your FaceBook friends! 

Meet Dr. Randy White, the Pastor of First Baptist Church in Katy Texas. Enjoy the message, please take it to heart and then share it with your friends and especially those you love. We need to pray for our leaders, that God touches their hearts and leads them back to the way everlasting. We need to pray for the Pastor's in our country as well, and for the Church and for America. We have eroded into something not even I recognize anymore.

Jesus is coming soon! Even so ~ Maranatha! 

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JeriAnn Eakin