Thursday, December 25, 2014

One Solitary Life

Lest we not forget
He is still the reason for the season.
Always will be.
Singing about a Man
Who was a Baby,
Who became a Boy
Who became a Man.
Born in an obscure village.
The Child of a peasant woman.
He actually grew up in another village where He worked 

in a carpenter shop until He was thirty.
And for three years, He was an itinerant preacher.
He never owned a home.
Never wrote a book.
He never held an office.
He never really had a family of His own.

Never went to college.
Never set foot in a big city.
He never traveled 200 miles from the place He was born.
He never did things that usually accompany greatness.
He had no credentials but Himself.
While still a young man, the tide of popular 
opinion turned against him.
His friends ran away.
Even one of His best friends denied Him.

He was turned over to His enemies.
He went through the mockery of a trial.
He was nailed upon a cross between two thieves.
While He was dying, His executioners gambled for the only piece of 

property He had on this earth and that was His coat.

And when he was dead, He was laid in a 
borrowed grave through the pity of a friend.
Nineteen long centuries have come and gone and today He is still the centerpiece of the human race, and leader of the column of progress.
I’m far within the mark when I say that all the armies that were ever marched, all the navy's that were ever built, all the parliaments that ever sat, and all the kings that ever reigned, all put together, have not affected the lives on this Earth as powerfully, as has that
(adapted from an essay by Dr. James Allan Francis)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Stop Runnin!

In John 3, a Pharisee by the name of Nicodemus came to Jesus and asked Him a question. He said, "Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with Him." Jesus replied, 'Very truly I tell you that no one can see the Kingdom of God unless they be born again.' Then Nicodemus asked Jesus, "How can someone be born again when they are old? Surely they cannot enter their mother's womb a second time to be reborn?" (John 3:1-4).

Nicodemus had the misfortune of not understanding what we as Christians so readily understand today. That simply believing in Christ, His life, His death, burial and resurrection, is what makes us "born again." In John 3:16, the most well known verse in the bible, it states, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Yeah, it's really that simple. But sometimes living for Christ can be very difficult. Living a Christ centered life is when you not only believe in Christ's redemptive work on the Cross, but you lay your troubles at His Cross (1 Peter 4:7), and do your best to live for Christ. "To live is Christ, to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21). This means that we leave behind all those sins that are displeasing to God, repenting of those things and doing what God wants us to do instead of what we want to do. It's a very simple thing, but we tend to over complicate it. Dying is gain, because when you die, your last breath on earth is your first breath in heaven, which as believers, is where we truly belong.

Let me just ask you this: If you were at Niagara Falls and someone was walking a tight rope across one of those falls, would you clap when they asked, "How many of you think I can make it across and back?" You probably would because your life is not in danger, his is. Well, what if he came back pushing a wheelbarrow and again asked that same question, only this time, he thew in the part about the wheelbarrow? Would you clap? Of course you would...right up until he asked, "Can I get a volunteer to get in the wheelbarrow?" 

Well, if Jesus was pushing the wheelbarrow across the tightrope, would you get into it? I would! This is not just belief, this is trust! If you said "Yes" to Jesus in this scenario, you have nothing to be worried about. You will go to heaven because you trusted Jesus' work on the Cross to save you. We obviously cannot save ourselves, because we are all sinners. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23). That means that there is nothing we can do of or by ourselves that will be enough. "For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not as a result of works so that no man may boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9).

The bible also tells us that "Faith without works is dead," (James 2:17). You can believe all you want. I did for years, but I had very little works to show for it. I was too selfish, egotistical and confused to know what was right. I didn't read my bible much, I kept talking about my troubles with people at church and discovered, eventually, that "It's not about me." A life led by the Spirit is usually full of selflessness, a desire to do right and then doing it and a repentant heart, even in the most minor of infractions against God and what He expects of us. I was a mess for years, but I eventually broke free from the devil's lies and began to see the truth. It's a hard thing to do, but I work on it everyday lest I go backwards, which is also very easy to do, which I believe is why Paul said, "Forgetting what lies behind and striving towards what lies ahead." (Philippians 3:13-14). 

Why not begin again? We can be the "light of the world," but if we lose our "salt and light," what good are we? We go about telling no one of the wonderful gift that God gave us. His Son, Jesus! It's one of the reasons I write this blog. I try to keep it biblical, without politics, etc., however, there are times I write regarding the things that are happening in the world because they describe what I've read in the Old Testament about the end days, and we certainly need to understand that the days are short, so I speak of it a lot. I don't want anyone to miss the boat of Salvation, the Grace of God, and that personal relationship we can have with Him through His son Jesus. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me." (John 14:6).

Please, if you have slipped and are fallen away, come home? If you have never been offered the gift of redemption, won't you please pray for forgiveness now? Jesus wants to know you! He loves you, He died for every sin you've ever committed or will ever commit. He wants a personal relationship with you and believe me, it will change your life forever! 

Please, stop runnin? Stop building castles in the sand and build your life on the rock! Mercy doesn't care what you've done, you can be forgiven! Jesus is waiting and you can't outrun grace!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Grace Is Amazing!

I was on Twitter earlier today and saw a photo that someone had posted to remind me of a particular scripture. Paul had asked God to remove a "thorn in his side," three times and God responded to his request. "But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." (2 Corinthians 12:9).

We all go through struggles in life. Sometimes even more so after we are saved. Jesus explained the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13. He said that the seeds that fell on the path were those whose belief was snatched away by the devil. The seeds that fell on the rocky path that grew up and were withered by the sun explains those who accept Jesus with joy, but fall away very quickly because they don't have roots dcep enough to get them through the troubles and persecution that comes with their belief. The seeds that fell among the thorns refers to those who believe, but the troubles and worries of this life along with greed and materialism chokes out their beliefs. And the seeds that fell upon the good soil, refers to those who got saved and began their journey, reading the bible and growing stronger in Christ by the minute. These are those who never give in or give out, and keep trusting in Christ, growing in His strength daily, no matter what befalls them.

I was the seed that fell along the rocky path. I lived with abuse, both verbal and physical and due to my parents fighting constantly and never saying, "I love you," my brother and I were very insecure. I was 10 when a neighbor who babysat me after school led me to Jesus Christ. I still remember saying the sinners prayer and feeling like a huge boulder had been lifted off of my 10 year old shoulders. I did fall away, but it was due to confusion. I remember feeling very dejected. I didn't have many friends, and I felt very alone. I was also very emotional, trusting only my feelings and that can be deadly to your faith!

A friend from Jr. High asked me to come to church with her. I stopped after awhile, but then a friend from High School asked me to come back to the same church! I was baptized and went to summer camp at Hume Lake my Sophomore year. I played piano and was caught by the band booked for that week, playing "Desperado" by The Eagles and was asked to play it during our service that evening! What a great time! Later in life, another church went to that same camp, only during the winter. It was a ladies retreat. Boy, did that ever bring back memories! Barbara Johnson, the "Stick a Geranium in your Hat and Be Happy," lady, was our speaker for the retreat and she was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing! 

There have been many times when I fell away from God. But there have also been mountain peaks. "Peaks and Valley's" as they are called. Just this week, I prayed that the Holy Spirit would keep me honest and remind me of my sins when I commit them so I can stay right with the Lord. Whether it's complaining about being on hold for too long with my RA Doc's office, or my cat getting under my feet, I'm still human, and I will always fail. I can never be perfect, because none of us here on this earth can escape the sin of the Garden of Eden. To think you can, is a death sentence. Not believing that there is a God, and that Jesus died for our sins, leads to permanent separation from God after you die. If you don't believe, you spend eternity in a horrible place where there is "weeping and gnashing of teeth!" (Luke 13:28). I know where I'm going. Jesus is my rock. I love Him with all my heart, soul, and mind, and will never cease to praise Him. My health may be failing, and I have not yet received healing, but I will never stop praising God. I will never stop trusting Him. I will never stop loving Him. He is my everything. I may be pretty alone in what I go through on a day to day basis, but then, I'm never really alone, because Jesus is always with me! 

There have been times when God has reached out and helped me with some of the worst things imaginable. My oldest daughter was diagnosed at 18 months with Wilms Tumor. She was stage three and then she relapsed, making her stage four. She is now 26, and it's just amazing that she is here at all! She graduated from college this year and is now working at a great job and earning a salary higher than I've ever earned! My oldest son went through three tours of duty with the Army. He made it home all three times without injury. Every day that he was in theatre, I prayed for him. God answered faithfully every time! My youngest son is doing very well for himself. He's still working for the same company he started with when he was just 16! They keep giving him more and more responsibility. My youngest daughter works very hard, and keeps moving up the ladder at her 2nd job as well. I am so very proud of all of my kids because they are the best thing I have ever done. They all work, pay their taxes and they are all Christians. They may not walk as closely with God, but they are young. I didn't walk as closely with God at that time in life either, but I have trusted God with them all their lives. I pray for them a lot, but you have to let go and trust God with them at a certain point, and He has not disappointed me. I feel very blessed. God has answered my prayers in the most amazing way and I don't see Him stopping any time soon. Just the other day, I didn't think I was strong enough to make it through the lobby of my doctor's office for a blood test, but I toughed it out and I made it! "For His strength is made perfect in weakness." I lived that scripture just last week! It's really true!!!!!!!

So if I have to suffer a bit on my way down the home stretch, that's okay. I know God is working in my children's lives because I've asked Him to! That is how much I have come to depend on Christ. "To live is Christ, to die is gain!" (Philippians 4:21). I've also come to learn that nothing is impossible with God! (Luke 1:37). I have to face the Giants in my life and lean on Him for strength. I know that God is not done with me yet. He may have a few more miracles up His sleeve for me, but I have to trust, not look back and just keep truckin!

My mom was pretty abusive to us while we were growing up and I worried that if she died, she would not go to heaven. She got ill in May 2009 and went through three rounds of chemo. The third round caused severe infection. I prayed for her almost every day during her last seven months on earth and three days before her death, I got a phone call. I spoke to her and after hanging up, God didn't just give me the day she would go home, He wrapped me up in what I can only describe as a blanket of "peace that surpasses all understanding," and I heard "It's okay. She's mine." That feeling of peace was gone as quickly as it had come. I knew it was Jesus! I knew she had trusted Christ as her savior as a young girl and that a Chaplain was visiting her bedside as she was dying. I know she must've gotten right with God because that peaceful moment that was indescribable came at just the right moment! God's timing? Well, if you know anything about it, you know His timing is ALWAYS PERFECT! 

There are things happening in the world right at this very moment, that line up perfectly with last days prophecy! Jesus could come to get us at any moment! Please, don't miss your chance? Ask forgiveness and start reading the Word or re-dedicate yourself to Him if you've fallen away? If you go back to church, make sure to lean on God to show you if the preacher is a false teacher. Jesus warned we would see many false teachers in the end days. Paul said that there would be a great delusion that would come upon the earth and I can already see the "lawless one" at work! (2 Thessalonians 9-11). If you see people in denial? Well there's the answer! It's one of the reasons people seem completely deluded out there. The bible warns that a delusion would come upon the earth and believe me, it's already happening! More people are putting up walls than they are creating doors. They seem selfish, boorish, arrogant, rude, all the things the bible says love is not! (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). No patience, no mercy. Just raw emotion, which can lead you astray! It's the devil's #1 weapon against us! Please, don't be deceived be RELIEVED! Trust in Christ and Christ alone!

God bless you all as we near December 25th, the day that God came to us in human form, walking the earth as a man, who knew no sin, but became sin for us, so that we could become the "righteousness of God in Christ!" (2 Corinthians 12:5).I pray that you will be saved or re-dedicate yourselves to Jesus and start living only for Him! We are about to be raptured off of this planet and be in the clouds with Jesus! Honestly? I can't wait to go home! I even pray daily with hope that it will be the day that I get to shed this worn out mortal tent, receive my incorruptible body and can go home to be with the Lord Jesus! "Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord!" (Philippians 2:8-11). I'm looking forward to bowing before Him and casting the crown of life I am given, at His feet! (James 1:12). I am learning to endure to the end, so that I will receive that reward! It's all I've ever wanted! This earth IS NOT my home! Heaven is!

His grace IS sufficient for me! His Amazing Grace is so sweet! There must have been something in the water on that day in my Sophomore year. The day I was baptized into the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus has never let me go and if you trust Him? He will never let go of you either!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Stars In The Sky

I've never studied astronomy. I love looking at the stars of course but I've never undertaken a study of the galaxy, at least, not until very recently.

My interest was piqued when I was watching a movie made by Lionsgate. There was a picture, but it was like a trapezoid picture made by the stars? I know it's highly related to mathematics, which I've never been good at, but one night, my curiosity got the better of me and I read a NASA article regarding pictures made by connecting the dots from one star to another, and as the article mentioned the Big and Little Dippers, God hit me upside the head and I just said WOW!

Here's my quick point: Jesus met the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well. He asked her for a drink and she got all up in his face! She didn't know who Jesus was or what He was about, she only knew that Jews did not associate with Samaritans. But what was so amazing is what Jesus said to her in John 4:14. He said, "But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

As I read that NASA article, where it mentioned the Big and Little Dippers, suddenly, this particular story from the bible just jumped into my head! I suddenly realized that when you draw water from a well, it is usually in a bucket, but one must have a ladle if they intend to drink the water from the well! The Big and Little Dippers, placed in the night sky by God Himself, were supposed to be a reminder of the "living water," Jesus spoke of!

How awesome is our God? Pretty darn AWESOME! I will never forget that moment. It came at a time of pain, illness and frustration and I really needed to see what God wanted me to see. And boy, did I ever!

I will never look at the Big or Little Dippers in the way I used to look at them. It's basically God the father, (The Big Dipper) and Jesus the Son who died to take away the sins of the world! (The Little Dipper). Now there wouldn't be a third dipper would there? The Holy Spirit is never seen! Pretty cool huh?

Next time you are star gazing, please tell God how thankful you are for His promises to bring you through the roughest times, the worst times, pain, illness, etc., because when you really stop to think about it? We're really just pilgrims passing through!

I think that God placed these stars in the sky, just so, so that we would remember that this world is not our home. Heaven is!