Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Stars In The Sky

I've never studied astronomy. I love looking at the stars of course but I've never undertaken a study of the galaxy, at least, not until very recently.

My interest was piqued when I was watching a movie made by Lionsgate. There was a picture, but it was like a trapezoid picture made by the stars? I know it's highly related to mathematics, which I've never been good at, but one night, my curiosity got the better of me and I read a NASA article regarding pictures made by connecting the dots from one star to another, and as the article mentioned the Big and Little Dippers, God hit me upside the head and I just said WOW!

Here's my quick point: Jesus met the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well. He asked her for a drink and she got all up in his face! She didn't know who Jesus was or what He was about, she only knew that Jews did not associate with Samaritans. But what was so amazing is what Jesus said to her in John 4:14. He said, "But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

As I read that NASA article, where it mentioned the Big and Little Dippers, suddenly, this particular story from the bible just jumped into my head! I suddenly realized that when you draw water from a well, it is usually in a bucket, but one must have a ladle if they intend to drink the water from the well! The Big and Little Dippers, placed in the night sky by God Himself, were supposed to be a reminder of the "living water," Jesus spoke of!

How awesome is our God? Pretty darn AWESOME! I will never forget that moment. It came at a time of pain, illness and frustration and I really needed to see what God wanted me to see. And boy, did I ever!

I will never look at the Big or Little Dippers in the way I used to look at them. It's basically God the father, (The Big Dipper) and Jesus the Son who died to take away the sins of the world! (The Little Dipper). Now there wouldn't be a third dipper would there? The Holy Spirit is never seen! Pretty cool huh?

Next time you are star gazing, please tell God how thankful you are for His promises to bring you through the roughest times, the worst times, pain, illness, etc., because when you really stop to think about it? We're really just pilgrims passing through!

I think that God placed these stars in the sky, just so, so that we would remember that this world is not our home. Heaven is! 

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JeriAnn Eakin