Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

Hi everyone. I know I've been away for over a year, but I've been having some health issues that are affecting my ability to remember things. 

I also have trouble speaking and writing, which has made things especially difficult for me since I truly enjoy writing this blog and I really miss it. 

It's kind of like having writers block but the thoughts I do have, leave my brain before I get a piece of paper and a pen to write it down. If I don't do so immediately, I lose that thought, which is extremely frustrating. I've taken to using several words that will help me remember once I have the pad and pen in my hand and can actually write it down, which is working fine. I've been having a lot of cognitive difficulties which are very upsetting. There's a lesion on my spinal cord in the neck, and my doctor thinks that it may be invading the spinal cord. 

Jesus spoke about the end times and what we could expect. He explained everything that would be happening, and now, all of the prophecies have been fulfilled. I'm excited about the prospect of going home to Heaven! (I am literally so heavenly minded, I'm no earthly good these days!). I pray every day that the Lord will find me worthy because the Lord Jesus is not going to tarry much longer! The days of Noah? Yup! They're back! Read Matthew 24 and Luke 21. 

There's a list and it's all already happened! Jesus could literally come at any second, so please don't delay in getting right with God? His precious Son, Jesus, died on a Roman cross so that we would never be separated from Him again, unless of course, we sin. Sin is what separates us from God. 

I do hope you are all well. Please say a prayer that I can get my writers hat back on and deliever some great posts for you all to read. I've been going a little bit nutty with how good things are going at the moment, except of course, for my health for which I have many questions and no answers as of yet. Please pray and ask God to do a miracle in the area of my health, which is now a minute by minute battle! 

The battle belongs to Jesus and I am "More than a Conqurer through Christ!" (Romans 8:37). I know I can make it through this with your prayers and God's help. 

Thank you for your prayers and may God bless you all!                                                                                                     

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JeriAnn Eakin