Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Tree in the Road of Life

Bad news.  My husband may lose his job tomorrow.

The bad thing is that God just got my temple going in the right direction health wise a well as Spiritually, so I can't see why He would allow this to happen.  Sometimes it's just the devil throwing a tree in the road?  

The Chiropractor I have been seeing is truly helping me so I was hoping that with my back feeling better, and the way the dentists just sort of fell into place, one to make the denture and the other an oral surgeon, that with a  new smile I could possibly find a part time job and have my life back.

My husband and I have had our problems, and I know he would cover it, but now I'm worried that he won't if he loses his job.  I may have to endure more pain, not be able to eat much, and just be patient, but I'm hoping if this post reaches enough Christian's out there, that through prayer, that God will provide another job so that the process doesn't get derailed.

I won't be selfish, I will be patient, and pray only for God's will because his timing is always perfect!  You just never know what He has in store for you, and sometimes waiting is part of that process, so please pray that my husband finds work or doesn't lose his current position, and that I will find solace in the Lord, and find patience, having "Hope that never ends, even when the sky  is falling!"

Thanks friends.  Your prayers are truly appreciated.  God is growing my faith every day, and my prayers go out to each and every one of you, that God is in control of your lives and that things are well with you all!  

God Bless!

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JeriAnn Eakin