Friday, August 23, 2013

Come Lord Jesus!

In Matthew 24 and Luke 21, Jesus tells the Disciples the "signs of His coming and the end of the age."  He discusses earthquakes in various places, plagues, famines, pestilence, wars, rumors of wars, etc., and if I'm not mistaken, we are close to that golden day of favor!  

It is time we all bow our knees and confess our sins, known and unknown, and pray that God will in His infinite wisdom and mercy show us the things we need to ask forgiveness for.  I don't want so much as one doubt on my record, for I want to be found without blemish on that day, when Christ returns for His Bride, the church, don't you?

In Lamentations 3:22-23, it states that "His mercies are new every morning.  Great is they faithfulness!"  He is always faithful to us!  We are the ones who in our weak flesh are always losing our way, and leaving Him!  It is in those times that Jesus carries us!  

Take this time to pray, and believe, having faith that no matter what may come, you will see His face soon as long as you endure!  I'm going through my own endurance issues right now, but the more I think of every awful thing I have been through in my life, the more I realize that while those things made me very weak, that it is in that weakness that He has made me strong!  

My faith has grown a great deal in the last four years and I have been subjected to such wonderful grace, that it is only explainable by saying that it was GOD!  I've experienced un explainable mercies that others don't receive when they have lost a loved one, and are worried whether they made it to heaven or not!  Well, I not only got whispered in my ear that my Mom would be with Him. He also provided the date of her death!  

I've also recently had visions of Christ's victorious return to heaven to the throngs of Angels, and all the Host of Heaven. Think about it....we were all there!  If God chose us before the foundation of world to be Holy and Blameless in Him (Ephesians 1:4), then we had to have been in heaven when Jesus returned after being risen from the dead right?  I believe that is the foundation of the short but beautiful vision the Lord gave me two days ago.

I had another one about a year ago, and it was the Throne, as I cried at His feet, He lifted me up into His lap like a small child to comfort me.   As I looked out from the throne all I could see was a crystal sea, in the most beautiful blue color, with columns, and the 24 elders on their thrones.  I was in the Throne Room of God, at his Feet crying out for mercy!  I can only quote the one verse I know that makes this sound even minutely feasible?   "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." (Acts 2:17).

Jesus is coming home for us soon!  GET EXCITED AND SHARE YOUR FAITH!  Don't worry about the words you will say, for God will give you the words!  It is promised in Luke 21!  

God Bless all of you who read this post, and I am in prayer for all of us as we hurtle towards the time when we will be raptured and every tear will be wiped from our eyes, and we will never suffer pain, death, despair, all of those things will be gone.  Hallelujah!  Praise you Lord Jesus!  You are the most wonderful counselor, provider, and the lifter of our heads, and the giver of life! 

Your love came down and rescued me, and I will be forever yours!

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JeriAnn Eakin