Sunday, August 25, 2013

Chris Lane: A Tragedy Born from Boredom

 Christopher Lane, 22, from Australia, was attending Eastern Central University near the town of Duncan, Oklahoma, where his girlfriend lived.  He was there to visit her last weekend, and while jogging down the road during his workout, he was shot by three teenage boys in a passing pick up, who later said they did it because they were "bored."  He never even saw it coming.  They shot him in the back.  He was found quickly, laying face down in a ditch by passersby, but it was already too late.

Christopher was an up and coming baseball player who just might have had a shot at the Bigs.  I  feel he was worth more words than they are giving him.  They are calling it a "thrill kill" in the media, which highlights the three teens who did the shooting, rather than talking about this young man and his possible path to the Major League's and how he may have made a difference in the world.  I was so sad when I heard the circumstances behind this senseless tragedy that I  prayed for his family and girlfriend and then just broke down and cried.

How does something like this happen?  I can only point to one chapter in the Bible, which again, I believe, proves that we are in fact in the end days, and that the Lord is indeed coming quickly! 

There were many things Jesus told us would happen, in Matthew 24.  But the only explanation for this cold tragedy is what Jesus tells the disciples in Matthew 24:12.  "And because iniquity shall be multiplied, the love of the many shall wax cold."

There needs to be more love in this world.  Jesus came to give us the tools to do just that, but our hatred for others and our own needy sinful nature has destroyed the love we have for others because we've been hurt, or abused, and this madness needs to stop.  We should stop blaming others for our choices rather than on our parents or others who may have hurt our feelings.  

It is my feeling that these teenage boys knew exactly what they were doing, and it is my prayer that they will all go to jail, and find Christ somewhere along the way.  Perhaps they will eventually be responsible for leading hundreds of other prisoners to Christ!  Hope springs eternal right?

Question is, with all the angst in the world, can we make a difference in our everyday lives with the people we see everyday?  Just a smile at the person who get's  your coffee for you in the morning, whether it be your spouse, or the waitress at the corner coffee shop, you can be kind, gracious, caring and tell them they are doing a great job and then be more generous in your tipping!  There is nothing better than feeling like someone thinks you are doing a good job!  It makes them more positive and causes a change in them, perhaps, being kind to those that are rude to them instead of saying something that might cost them their job, or becoming so frustrated that they argue instead of just smiling back, no matter what.

While we pray for Chris Lane's family and friends this week, and the many others we will no doubt be burdened for, let's remember to smile at others, be gracious, friendly and open.  Just be kind, caring and seek opportunities to share your faith.

Remember what Jesus said?  Turn the other cheek and pray for those who curse you?  To pray for your enemies?  We don't want to let our Savior down do we?  In Galations 6:2, Paul said that we "should bear one another's burden's in love, thus fulfilling the law of Christ."  

That means we should forgive one another our trespasses, and ask God to work in the lives of those around us who do not know Him.  It also means to "give til it hurts," helping those who are truly in need. 

It is my hope, that Christopher Lane was a Christian.  I don't know why, but in my heart I believe that he was.  And if so, he is with the Lord.  My heart breaks for his girlfriend, coaches, family and friends.  Please keep them in your prayers at this most difficult time, and when you're done, pray for these three misguided and violent teens.  Nobody gets to that place of violence without some help.  I know, because I grew up in a very violent, and negative atmosphere, and I'm 50 and still trying to work out all that pain, negativity, abuse and neglect.

Please, be at peace, and be kind to others, even if they don't respond in kind, it shall be awarded to you as righteousness by God.  When we as Christian's do what we are called to do, which is to love others, this world will become a different place.

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JeriAnn Eakin