Monday, June 30, 2014

In Dedication

It was reported earlier today, that the three Israeli teens who were recently kidnapped, have been found dead near Hebron.  They were settlers in the occupied West Bank, which made them targets.  It has also been reported that Hamas is at fault for this horrific act, and Benjamin Netanyahu is threatening retaliation for the killings.

Please pray for these three Israeli families. I cannot even imagine the grief they are feeling right now.  And it's not just the families.  ALL of ISRAEL is weeping tonight!  These are our brothers and sisters and they ARE God's chosen people!  They put up with rockets in their back yards, when the rest of us here in America worry about the noise our neighbor's make, but not much else.  I myself live in one of the safest towns in Northern California, and I am ashamed at all that I have and how I take it all for granted every minute of every day.  Today I mourn this horrible act, and the young men who bore the payment that Hamas's hatred always demands.  May God have mercy on those who killed these beautiful sons of Israel who are now with Jesus in heaven.  And some day, regardless of what the Israeli government decides to do with these terrorist's, they WILL answer to God for what they've done!

Please join me in praying for their families.  Nobody should be kidnapped or killed simply because they are of a particular nationality or faith.  These folks suffer endlessly as Hamas & Hezbollah bomb these neighborhoods, hoping to kill more Israeli's. This has been going on since I was a little girl, 51 years! They don't want peace.  I think the Caliphate growing around them proves it.

Dear Jesus, I ask that you be with the families of these three beautiful boys. These families are really hurting right now....first the not knowing what happened to them, to shallow graves in Hebron.  God please show yourself to them, that You are with them, and that You will never leave them.  Show them Your love.  Wrap Your arms around all who knew these teenage boys.  Their parents, siblings, grandparents and especially their mothers and their friends.  This is the little I can do for them Father, so please be with them at this most terrible time.  These are your people Lord.  Please continue to keep them under your watchful eye. For "He who watches over Israel, neither slumbers nor sleeps."  (Psalm 121:4).  Amen.

I dedicate this post to the families and friends of these beautiful boys.  May God be with you all.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Got Jesus?

Do you believe that you are going to heaven?  If you're having trouble answering, there is a real simple way to know for sure!

Simply ask yourself this question:  If you walked outside, and were suddenly hit by a bus, and you found yourself  standing before God and He asked you "Why should I let you into my heaven?"  What would be your answer?  Some of us automatically go to our own behavior, "Well, I've always tried to be good to people, and I've given to charities, (me, me , me), etc., etc.

At this point I would have to hit the buzzer.  The only thing that gets us into heaven is to be covered in the blood of Jesus Christ.  Do you believe he suffered and died on the cross for your sins?

Here's another question:  Let's say you're at Niagara Falls and some fool is walking across the falls on a tightrope. He stops and asks the crowd, "How many here think I can make it to the other side and back?"  Of course the crowd cheers.  And so the tight rope walker makes it to the other side and then comes back pushing a wheelbarrow.  After scanning the crowd, he says, "How many of you think I can make it back to the other side and back with this wheelbarrow?"  Again the crowd shriek's with excitement, that is until he yells out with his hand up in the air, "Can I get a volunteer?"  

Well not many people would want to take that chance, but if you saw Jesus pushing that wheelbarrow, would you get into it?  I did.  I completely trust Him.  He's never left me or forsaken me even when I felt that he had. But it's us that leaves Him.  Sometimes for a long time till He pulls on our hearts telling us to come Home. He never ever leaves us.  Jesus lives within our hearts through the Holy Spirit.  He wants you to let him in.  He's knocking at the door of your heart.

Yes, I know it's scary cuz there are rules and all that, but trust me, I have gotten to know Him pretty well, and He has given me grace beyond understanding.  He's saved me from myself so many times, I can't count them all.  He's also still working on me, which is really cool, watching him change the landscape of my heart and how I love to reach out to others who may be hurting and confused.  All He wants is to free you from the chains that the devil has you all tied up in through your feelings.  Our emotions is usually where the devil attacks us first, and we need to learn to say 'NO' to him, and ask God to calm us, and keep us from sinning. 

John 3:16 says, "For He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."  

Yes, it's that simple/stupid.  lol.  God doesn't want us confused, He just wants us to open the door and let Him in!  He changed me from the inside out!  He's been working on me a long time, and I can tell you, my life is much better for it.  I have suddenly found contentment no matter what situation I am in, because I've learned to trust God with all the heavy lifting.   

The bible says that we can't do things, or works as the bible calls them, to get into heaven.  Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father but by me."  (John 14:6).  This means our good works are meaningless if we did them with the wrong motive, thinking those works can get us to heaven.  But also, "Faith without works is dead"  (James 2:20), so never stop trying to do good. Just remember who you're doing it for.  Not to get yourself to heaven, but to obey the commands of Jesus.  Believe me, the things you do for others when you're doing it for the right reasons?  It will put you on a mountain top!  You'll have joy from the things you do for others, even if it's just opening a door for someone else, especially the infirmed or elderly.

If you've never given your heart to the Lord, say this simple prayer.  "God, I'm so sorry!  Please forgive me for all of my sins and come into my heart and dwell in me.  Thank you Jesus for what you did for me.  I know I don't deserve it, but I am so grateful.  In Jesus Name, Amen."

Did you say it?  Good for you!  You can say that prayer to re-dedicate yourself to the Lord as well.  I know it sounds weird, but I talk to God all the time like He's right there with me and I have felt His presence, and I humbly submit to you that it is an absolutely mind blowing experience and I am so grateful for those moments in life where He truly shows me I am not alone!  

So have faith and you will suddenly see Him working in you.  But also be on the lookout for the enemy.  "Satan roams about seeking whom he may devour," (1 Peter 5:8), so when you feel the enemy pressing down on you, simply say "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus please save me Lord, Please Help me Lord!"  (Mine is more like, "Jesus, would you please make these satanic helpers go away."  The moment you say the name of Jesus, they run screaming!  (James 2:19).  I can sometimes feel the war going on above our heads.  If you pray for angels to protect you, I tell you with fervent confidence they will come!  You just have to put what you're going through at the foot of the Cross.  "Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you."  (1 Peter 5:7).  He loves you and wants to lead you through your life!  "The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that they might have life and have it to the full."  (John 10:10).

Jesus thank you for the souls who read this post and see that all along, they were most definitely saved, and their worry was for nothing.  I thank you for the souls who read this and gave their lives to you for the first time or re-dedicated their lives to you!  Please guide them in the way, and help them through their difficulties for you are strong when we are weak!  (2 Corinthians 12:10).  Thank you for my life Lord. Please continue working in me so that when others look at me, they see you.

Monday, June 23, 2014

It's Time to Forgive!

I've spent almost 30 years trying to figure out my past, and why the things that happened to me hurt me so badly that I couldn't move forward in life.  I was stuck in "neutral" for years.  I even blamed others when it wasn't their fault.  I hurt people who didn't deserve to be hurt, and I hurt others who had hurt me first, but I still shouldn't have acted like I did.  The bible says "love keeps no record of wrongs," (1 Corinthians 13:5), and I was keeping a record book!

I've looked back over the years and seen the damage I have done to others, but God has forgiven me, even if they haven't.  When we ask others to forgive us, we've done what God expects of us.  We are to forgive our brother "70 times 7" (Matthew 18:22), and if they don't forgive us, then it's on them.  If they don't forgive you?  Well, unfortunately it's like  they swallowed poison and their hoping that the person who hurt them will die.  

So, what have you got to lose except the weight of unforgiveness that is sitting on your shoulders?  Satan will taunt you, try to get you to continually remember what that person did to you, and make you look backwards, which keeps you in a stall position that could make you crash!  An airplane can fly, but if it stalls in mid flight, it will most likely crash unless the pilot can pull out of the stall and get the engines going again.  So don't stall!  The longer  you hold it, the more it hurts you!  Forgive those who have hurt you, pray and ask God to help you forgive.  Your unforgiveness only  holds you a prisoner.

I've had horrific things done to me in my past while I was growing up, but I've forgiven everyone who hurt me, and I'm fine now.  I don't have trouble with forgiving people anymore.  I used to get my feelings hurt so easily, especially at church.  If someone didn't say hello back to me, I would immediately get hurt and satan would use it to keep me focused on that person and "why didn't they say hi back to me?  Did I do something wrong?"  I always wound up missing the sermon message because of it.  I was letting satan win!   I had no idea that I was even doing this until years later.  But once I figured out how the devil operates, I started praying for the person who didn't say hello.  I didn't know what was going on with them, perhaps they were ill, or having a bad day, or one of their children hurt them....It was easier to pray for them than to hold a grudge against them!  

So let it all go.  It's only hurting you.  The person who hurt you doesn't even know you are hurting, or that they hurt you.  Maybe they do and they don't care, but you should forgive them anyway.  Especially if you have to live with them! (lol).  There is nothing worse for your family than to hold grudges, keep records of wrongs and just being plain ole mean because of it.  We tend to act like rattlesnakes in the grass with whoever walks by,  not even realizing our unforgiveness of another person is causing us to hurt others who don't even deserve to be hurt!

Jesus told us to forgive others because He had forgiven us.  He died for our sins and that's a pretty big boatload of forgiveness!  He died for everyone who had ever lived, was presently alive and all those who would be born in the future.  He knew every sin we would commit before we were ever born, so we owe Him our obedience to forgive others as He told us to do.

Just remember, your life won't seem any better until you do.  And if somebody pulls the rug out from under you?  Forgive them for it.  No matter how much it hurts.  

Sunday, June 22, 2014

God is Still Sovereign!!!

I've never written about this before, but I suffer from what seems to be endless pain.  I suffer from something called Spinal Stenosis.  It causes the spinal column to crush the spinal cord, which causes severe nerve pain as the spinal cord tries to find other places to go, such as bulging through the vertebrae in my spine.  My ability to walk, stand, even sit, are limited.  Now all of a sudden I am having arthritic symptoms, which are extremely painful.

I'm not writing this to complain or shake my fist at God.  Quite the contrary actually.  I'm writing this to let everyone who reads this post know that God is still sovereign in my life.  He still comes first.  I have a choice every morning how I will react to the pain.  Some days it is so bad, I just sit and cry and beg Him for mercy and grace, which He gives in abundance to those who ask.

Our Lord is no stranger to suffering and I have seen many movies about what our Lord went through on the Cross to secure our Salvation.   But I also remember hearing a pastor in a local church on Easter Sunday talking about what they really did to Jesus, and as he was reading from the text that explained it, I got physically ill and had to leave the sanctuary.  He said that Jesus had bone and sinew visible after the scourging that the Romans gave him before forcing Him to carry His cross to Calvary where they nailed Him to that cross and crucified him. 

The thing that really hits me hard, is that while He was dying on the cross with two thieves on either side, they started to argue about whether Jesus was the Son of God or whether He deserved to die.  To the one who argued that He was innocent Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, today you shall be with me in paradise."  (Luke 23:43).

Just remember, when you suffer trials, physical, financial, or otherwise, that we are all sinners and that "yet while we were still sinners Christ died for US!"  (Romans 5:8).  Jesus died an unjust death.  He was not guilty of one sin, while we are all guilty of many sins.  The things we are tested with, poor health, loss of a job, no matter what we are suffering through, He is still Sovereign in our lives and He never leaves us!  NOT EVER!

God is always faithful and is always working His good in us so that we may glorify Him!  I can't take my pain lightly, it is hard, but I also know that God knows why, He knows how it will strengthen my faith, and He also knows how much longer I will suffer.  Recent events in the world prove to me, He is on His way to take His Bride Home to Heaven!  The Rapture is very very close!

So, no matter what kind of trials you are going through, take them to The Cross.  Jesus is always with you, so trust in Him, and give of yourselves to others, in whatever way that you can, and God will bless your efforts.  My situation may change, it may not.  But I have decided to continue serving Him because it may bring peace to others, and it gives me joy to pray for that....if this post reaches just one person who is suffering?  I will be exceedling glad!  

Jeremiah 29:11 states, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  

I for one, am "looking forward, straining towards what lies ahead," (Philippians 3:13).  And I know that I can do anything I need to do, through Christ who gives me His strength! (Philippians 4:13).

Friday, June 6, 2014

Pastor Leaves Southern Baptist Convention After Son Comes Out

I just read a tweet on Twitter that was really troubling.  A Pastor's son came out as gay, and the pastor left the Southern Baptist Convention of Churches over it.  This is now, I believe, an apostate church.

We have just seen our President trade 5 top Taliban leaders, who will kill again, for a man who as a private in the Army left his camp, with no armor, no ammo and no firearm, just some food, clothes and a cell phone.  He later allegedly used the cell phone to contact his platoon to let them know he was deserting.  There are accounts of villagers who said he was looking for the Taliban, and they warned him not to go any further, but he ignored them. After learning of the 14 men from the 4th Airborne and 6 men from his own platoon who were killed in action while they were looking for him, my heart sank to the floor.  I am a Blue Star Mother, and my heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones over this Taliban sympathizer who deserves the harshest of Court-martial's.

I think Obama thought this prisoner exchange would make the VA scandal go away, but it hasn't, if anything, that scandal is getting worse!   He got up there with the parents of this alleged traitor and said "We leave no man behind," and all of a sudden I was screaming at my TV "WHAT ABOUT THE MEN YOU LEFT BEHIND IN BENGHAZI!"  When Bowe Berghdahl's dad got up and said, "Allah be praised," I wanted to throw up!

Needless to say, I, like many Americans was furious at this deal,  This country doesn't look like it did when I was a kid.  When I was just 18, Ronald Reagan was elected, and he changed things for the better.  Peace thru strength was his motto, and that was the end of the Soviet Union.  Now Putin, looking thru clear glasses, remembering his own country's debacle in Afghanistan, realizes that our military is so depleted and we are so war weary that it was just the right time to invade Ukraine, kill men women and children and take control of Crimea and other bases, other cities, etc.  Two or more bases fell to the Russians just yesterday.

With everything that is going on, I believe the apostasy is upon us, even more so than ever before.  The world is literally upside down.  We have a decorated Marine sitting, unjustly, in a Mexican jail and Obama trades terrorists for an obvious traitor but won't lift a finger to help Sgt. Tamooressi who is locked up in Mexico for no reason other than he took a wrong turn on the freeway!

The dispensation of grace is almost at an end.  I implore you, all those who may read this post, to witness with fervor to those who aren't saved, especially your family members.  I myself, do not want anyone I know left behind after the Rapture, which is closer than anyone knows or thinks.  No, I am not predicting the day or hour, but all the prophetic signs Jesus spoke of, have occurred.  He said "Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the Kingdom of God is near."  Luke 21:31

I pray every day for forgiveness of my sins, because Lamentations 3:23 says God's Mercies are New Every Morning....not just once in awhile, but every morning and I take heed to remember and ask His forgiveness for anything I have done, or said that is abhorrent to Him.  I do not like being separated from God and I can feel Him moving in my life through the Holy Spirit which indwells all those who have given their life to Jesus Christ.

God wants people of faith to stand firm, not waiver because a loved one has a sin that is against God.  You don't change your belief system based on what your children do, you get them counseling, you try to help them, not drop your denomination.  This pastor is so concerned about the LGBT community feeling left out, that he is welcoming them, but not correcting them in love! His church is now a sham, like so many others....God forgive those churches whose preachers are not preaching prophecy!  Jesus is coming very soon, if you don't believe it, then you are what God would call a fool. "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God!"  1 Corinthians 1:18

I pray everyday for the people of this world who have not chosen to live, but rather to die.  The end is upon us ladies and gentleman, and I will preach the Gospel from this blog, even though I am disabled, I can still shout to the roof tops that JESUS SAVES!  I am only human, and I fall every day.  Even Billy Graham said that he knew he was a wretched sinner who needed God's help every day to make what about you?   I think it's time for all wayward Christian's to 'Return to their First Love."  (Revelation 2:4).  

God bless you all, and may God supply all your needs according to the riches of His glory which are in Christ Jesus.