Friday, June 6, 2014

Pastor Leaves Southern Baptist Convention After Son Comes Out

I just read a tweet on Twitter that was really troubling.  A Pastor's son came out as gay, and the pastor left the Southern Baptist Convention of Churches over it.  This is now, I believe, an apostate church.

We have just seen our President trade 5 top Taliban leaders, who will kill again, for a man who as a private in the Army left his camp, with no armor, no ammo and no firearm, just some food, clothes and a cell phone.  He later allegedly used the cell phone to contact his platoon to let them know he was deserting.  There are accounts of villagers who said he was looking for the Taliban, and they warned him not to go any further, but he ignored them. After learning of the 14 men from the 4th Airborne and 6 men from his own platoon who were killed in action while they were looking for him, my heart sank to the floor.  I am a Blue Star Mother, and my heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones over this Taliban sympathizer who deserves the harshest of Court-martial's.

I think Obama thought this prisoner exchange would make the VA scandal go away, but it hasn't, if anything, that scandal is getting worse!   He got up there with the parents of this alleged traitor and said "We leave no man behind," and all of a sudden I was screaming at my TV "WHAT ABOUT THE MEN YOU LEFT BEHIND IN BENGHAZI!"  When Bowe Berghdahl's dad got up and said, "Allah be praised," I wanted to throw up!

Needless to say, I, like many Americans was furious at this deal,  This country doesn't look like it did when I was a kid.  When I was just 18, Ronald Reagan was elected, and he changed things for the better.  Peace thru strength was his motto, and that was the end of the Soviet Union.  Now Putin, looking thru clear glasses, remembering his own country's debacle in Afghanistan, realizes that our military is so depleted and we are so war weary that it was just the right time to invade Ukraine, kill men women and children and take control of Crimea and other bases, other cities, etc.  Two or more bases fell to the Russians just yesterday.

With everything that is going on, I believe the apostasy is upon us, even more so than ever before.  The world is literally upside down.  We have a decorated Marine sitting, unjustly, in a Mexican jail and Obama trades terrorists for an obvious traitor but won't lift a finger to help Sgt. Tamooressi who is locked up in Mexico for no reason other than he took a wrong turn on the freeway!

The dispensation of grace is almost at an end.  I implore you, all those who may read this post, to witness with fervor to those who aren't saved, especially your family members.  I myself, do not want anyone I know left behind after the Rapture, which is closer than anyone knows or thinks.  No, I am not predicting the day or hour, but all the prophetic signs Jesus spoke of, have occurred.  He said "Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the Kingdom of God is near."  Luke 21:31

I pray every day for forgiveness of my sins, because Lamentations 3:23 says God's Mercies are New Every Morning....not just once in awhile, but every morning and I take heed to remember and ask His forgiveness for anything I have done, or said that is abhorrent to Him.  I do not like being separated from God and I can feel Him moving in my life through the Holy Spirit which indwells all those who have given their life to Jesus Christ.

God wants people of faith to stand firm, not waiver because a loved one has a sin that is against God.  You don't change your belief system based on what your children do, you get them counseling, you try to help them, not drop your denomination.  This pastor is so concerned about the LGBT community feeling left out, that he is welcoming them, but not correcting them in love! His church is now a sham, like so many others....God forgive those churches whose preachers are not preaching prophecy!  Jesus is coming very soon, if you don't believe it, then you are what God would call a fool. "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God!"  1 Corinthians 1:18

I pray everyday for the people of this world who have not chosen to live, but rather to die.  The end is upon us ladies and gentleman, and I will preach the Gospel from this blog, even though I am disabled, I can still shout to the roof tops that JESUS SAVES!  I am only human, and I fall every day.  Even Billy Graham said that he knew he was a wretched sinner who needed God's help every day to make what about you?   I think it's time for all wayward Christian's to 'Return to their First Love."  (Revelation 2:4).  

God bless you all, and may God supply all your needs according to the riches of His glory which are in Christ Jesus.

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JeriAnn Eakin