Monday, June 30, 2014

In Dedication

It was reported earlier today, that the three Israeli teens who were recently kidnapped, have been found dead near Hebron.  They were settlers in the occupied West Bank, which made them targets.  It has also been reported that Hamas is at fault for this horrific act, and Benjamin Netanyahu is threatening retaliation for the killings.

Please pray for these three Israeli families. I cannot even imagine the grief they are feeling right now.  And it's not just the families.  ALL of ISRAEL is weeping tonight!  These are our brothers and sisters and they ARE God's chosen people!  They put up with rockets in their back yards, when the rest of us here in America worry about the noise our neighbor's make, but not much else.  I myself live in one of the safest towns in Northern California, and I am ashamed at all that I have and how I take it all for granted every minute of every day.  Today I mourn this horrible act, and the young men who bore the payment that Hamas's hatred always demands.  May God have mercy on those who killed these beautiful sons of Israel who are now with Jesus in heaven.  And some day, regardless of what the Israeli government decides to do with these terrorist's, they WILL answer to God for what they've done!

Please join me in praying for their families.  Nobody should be kidnapped or killed simply because they are of a particular nationality or faith.  These folks suffer endlessly as Hamas & Hezbollah bomb these neighborhoods, hoping to kill more Israeli's. This has been going on since I was a little girl, 51 years! They don't want peace.  I think the Caliphate growing around them proves it.

Dear Jesus, I ask that you be with the families of these three beautiful boys. These families are really hurting right now....first the not knowing what happened to them, to shallow graves in Hebron.  God please show yourself to them, that You are with them, and that You will never leave them.  Show them Your love.  Wrap Your arms around all who knew these teenage boys.  Their parents, siblings, grandparents and especially their mothers and their friends.  This is the little I can do for them Father, so please be with them at this most terrible time.  These are your people Lord.  Please continue to keep them under your watchful eye. For "He who watches over Israel, neither slumbers nor sleeps."  (Psalm 121:4).  Amen.

I dedicate this post to the families and friends of these beautiful boys.  May God be with you all.

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JeriAnn Eakin