Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Be Born Again!

If you don't know Jesus, or you've read the bible but don't know what to believe, may I suggest that you just trust Him? He died for your sins so that you wouldn't have to suffer an eternity in the Lake of Fire, meant for all unbelievers and those who did not accept the gift of God's grace, shown through Christ's death burial and resurrection from the dead when they had the chance, so please, reach out to Jesus? He wants to save you! 

No matter what your current situation, no matter how awful, desperate or cruel, Jesus can come into your heart, if you'll ask Him to, and He will give you new life. He can heal the sick, make the blind see and raise the dead. Even if you are ill, and are dying, He will give you eternal life if you'll simply trust Him and believe that He lived, was crucified, taking all of your sins upon Himself, died, was buried and then rose from the dead three days later. The Good News is this: All you have to do is believe!

Jesus told us to "take up your cross and follow Me." This means He wants us to take all of our circumstances, everything that has ever happened, good and bad, and read His word, learn how to be like Him and to teach others what we know! He also wants us to go and confess Him to our friends and loved ones, especially if they don't know Him because He wants our lives to reflect change and when people see the joy we have because of His grace, and His gift of salvation, they will want to know what is different and they'll want what we have!

It's very simple. We are all sinners. The bible says, "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." We can't help it. We were born into it, it's not our fault, but we are still sinners none the less. Even Billy Graham says that he is a wretched sinner who needs God's forgiveness every day! (I know the feeling. Sometimes I feel like I'm living on my knees!). 

Listen to the song I've posted. Say a simple prayer, asking God for forgiveness for your sins and ask Jesus to come into your life and to help you live for Him and I promise you, He will!

The days are growing very short. All one must do to understand that is to turn on the news. I don't want anyone left behind when Jesus comes to take us home. He's coming very soon, so please don't wait? Commit your life today, please? You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain! Jesus loves you and so do I and I will pray for you and help you in anyway I can as you begin your new life in Christ.

Please join the family of God? After you do, please email me at beabarnabus@gmail.com to tell me about your decision. I will pray for you as you begin to read His word and find a bible believing church to attend. They will receive you with open arms and if they don't, find a different church! Just be careful, because there is a lot of false teaching going on out there these days? Jesus warned us about it, so let me know so I can pray that God will protect you as you search for a church family!

When you trust in Christ, and ask Him to come into your heart, you will feel joy beyond belief when you let go of your sin and lay it at His feet! 

Please trust in Him. He is calling to you to come Home! He is the "way the truth and the life!" And He wants you to have it to the full so don't wait! Take the leap of faith. I promise, you will never regret doing so! 

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16).

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JeriAnn Eakin