Saturday, September 13, 2014


The Times of Israel's headline this morning was "Syrian Rebels said to Control Most of the Border with Israel." That's not good news. The moderate Syrian Rebels were fighting Assad, so why would they turn around and go after Israel? I believe that ISIS may have wiped out the Free Syrian Army and is pretending to be the same so that they can move into Israel and start committing their atrocities there. President Obama wants to send troops, weaponry and arms to train the "Free Syrian Army," or what's left of them, if they haven't all assimilated into ISIS already, in Saudi Arabia which will take too long to do any good. The only winners would be ISIS and Assad. I read another headline today that stated that the CIA has now estimated that ISIS has grown to 31,500 members. Could it be that the Free Syrian Army has joined with ISIS? Could that explain the jump from 10,000 to 31,500?

In addition, it is folly to believe that we could work with deeply Muslim Countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar and Turkey and not get stabbed in the back. The usual allies of the United States are Britain, France, Australia, Canada, and others. I could see it with Egypt, but they don't trust the United States right now, mostly because Obama put two Muslim Brotherhood members in his cabinet and one came out recently saying that the United States is an "Islamic Country." Obama also welcomed Morsi before he was overthrown in Egypt, which is part of the reason John Kerry got wanded by ElSissi's security team when he was there trying to work a truce between Israel and Hamas. However, instead of working with Egypt, Kerry went behind their backs and worked with Qatar and Turkey! That really ticked off the Egyptians! As for this current idea to train the FSA in Saudi Arabia? Oh well we'll see if it blows up in our faces, which I will predict right now, it will, just as these supposed moderate Syrians who have taken a great deal of control of the border between Syria and Israel on the Golan Heights will meet stiff resistance from the IDF forces there and as we have already seen, these guys don't mess around. Perhaps this breach of the border could lead to a prophecy in Isaiah being fulfilled. "Damascus shall be as a ruinous heap." (Isaiah 17:1).

While this border region on the Golan Heights has been breached by supposedly the Free Syrian Army, they say their plans are not to attack Israel, at least not at the moment, but there have been skirmishes as of Wednesday between the IDF and these unknown forces that would seem to suggest otherwise. If the true rebels have either been assimilated into ISIS or have been wiped out by ISIS, what would that mean for Israel? Lebanon's border was breached by ISIS a few weeks ago, and the Lebanese Army pushed them back out, at least for now. 

ISIS is dead set on a few things: Destroying Israel, killing every Jew they can find and then killing Americans right here on our home soil and raising their big ugly black flag above our White House. They are better funded than Bin Laden, and they won't use planes. They will most likely use chemical weapons of some sort, anthrax, etc. We need to pray for our own safety in this country as well as for the safety of Christians and others being sought out and killed by ISIS or the "Islamic State," as they are now calling themselves. I thought our President looked like a total dunce saying that ISIS is not a "Muslim" group. What? They have "Islamic" as the first word in their acronym! I honestly think Joe Biden would do a better job with this situation, but alas, he is only our Vice President, but I would take him over this idiot any day!

Things are getting worse, and no matter what President Obama does, he is basically screwed. If he had acted sooner to arm the Free Syrian Army, which he refused to do, then perhaps this wouldn't be happening, but God's timing is always perfect and the one thing I can rest in is this: God is In Control!

Please pray for the Christians and for all those who are caught up in this mess. ISIS is beheading children. CHILDREN! This is absolute evil and ungodly and I have been praying for the missionaries who have asked for prayer. Please join me in thinking of them every day, even if just for a moment and pray for their safety? Pray for miraculous forms of cover, so that the enemy is unable to see or find them? These are our brother's and sisters in Christ! WE HAVE A DUTY TO PRAY FOR THEM! THE BIBLE CALLS ON US TO DO SO! 

I sent out an email to my bible study prayer group about this urgent prayer request which came via email from a friend in Texas whose friend is a Missionary in Iraq. She said that the Peshmerga was falling back and losing ground and she was truly frightened about what may happen to them there. After two full days now, not one person in my bible study group has responded and that makes me so angry, I just want to scream! I am outraged! I cannot believe that Christians here in the United States are so far away that if it doesn't affect them, they could care less. That is not "Christian," nor is it "Christ Like," and it thoroughly disgusts me that nobody even replied that they would pray. Is it really that hard? They're coming here next if they're not already here! The borders basically don't exist anymore, so while all those children were coming in, who else was jumping the fences when our Border Patrol members were too busy changing diapers to notice?

I will shout it to the roof tops until everyone in the world knows and is praying for these people! Then we need to pray for each other, that our lives would begin to reflect Christ rather than who we have become. Fat, lazy and selfish Christians who could care less about what is going on half way around the world. How can someone call themselves a Christian and be so DAMNED ASLEEP! GET YOUR ALARM CLOCK RUNNING AND LEAVE IT RINGING! WE ARE IN THE LAST DAYS BEFORE THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST FOR HIS CHURCH AND I DON'T WANT ONE SIN ON MY LIPS, IN MY HEAD OR IN MY HEART BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO MISS THE RAPTURE!

I refuse to go down without a fight. And my weaponry shall be the "Full armor of God," (Ephesians 6:10-11). For without it, you might as well be naked in the snow. The Word of God+Faith=A Prepared Warrior. We all need to be prepared to cast out demons in the name of Jesus, because those days are upon us! How do you do that? You simply look evil directly in the eye and you say, "Get thee behind me Satan! I cast the demons out of this persons body mind and soul in the name of Jesus Christ." If it doesn't leave, use the Word of God against it, so you must know your bible! "No weapon formed against me shall prosper." (Isaiah 54:17). They can throw fire balls at you, but if you stand perfectly still, strong in your faith, nothing they do can hurt you and if you use the name of Jesus, the demons have to flee! "You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe and shudder, but are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless." (James 2:19).

Dear Lord, I pray that you will draw Your servants back to your heart? Gently wake them? If they are wondering about what is going on in the world right now, help them understand? I owe You my life Lord, so give me the words to speak, here on this blog, and don't let any of our fellow servants continue to slumber? These are the most desperate times on earth that we have ever seen, and even if we don't understand, help us to let go and just trust You and only You! You died so we wouldn't need to understand Lord! Thank you for Jesus, Your one and only Precious Son who bled and died so that we wouldn't need to know, but just trust. Please wake all believers and unbelievers alike to the truth. That You are REAL, that You died for our sins, the spotless lamb of God and that you are coming again VERY SOON to take us home!

May all who read this be awakened and alive again with a revived faith in God and may you receive a blessing directly from the Father as you study His word. "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of Truth." (2 Timothy 2:15).

The time is so short Lord! Please, bless all of your faithful believers with the knowledge we need to see what's coming, and to see your prophecies coming to fruition? Thank you Lord Jesus. You are my life. Thank you for your love and your countless blessings upon all who read this. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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JeriAnn Eakin