Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ezekiel 38: Part I

We knew it could happen and we knew, that very possibly, it was coming. It wasn't a matter of "if" but rather, "when" and "when" was last Friday evening. 

Terrorists who had infiltrated France through the Syrian refugee crisis, attacked Parisian's and Americans enjoying a concert in a concert hall as 3 gunman, who were seated in the balcony, suddenly stood up and began firing at random, killing concert goers who were there to see a band from Southern California perform. 

One member of this brazen group of terrorists tried to enter a soccer stadium, where France's President, Francois Hollande, had gone to watch a soccer match. A lone guard outside of the stadium, was approached by this terrorist and he refused him entry. He was wearing a suicide vest and intended to get as close to France's President as he could and detonate the bomb, killing himself and as many soccer fans as possible, no matter their nationality. After being refused entry by the guard, he detonated the vest, killing himself and four others who sadly, were standing nearby. The guard, no doubt saved many lives and is a hero. 

A cafe and a few restaurants were strafed by a drive by shooter and in 4 other places, bombs exploded. The attacks killed 130 people and wounded close to 400 others. There was an immediate call to shelter in place, or leave the streets as they declared a police state. The military took control of the streets and for the first time since WWII, in 1944, Paris was under an order of mandatory curfew and the Eiffel Tower went dark.  

Less than 48 hours later, there were reports that France had begun flying air strikes over Raqqa. Not long after, they were joined by Russia. Then the French made a deal with Putin to fly "together" against ISIS. Putin has also launched Russian special forces into the area to stand and fight. 

The strength and might of the US Military is legendary, so Obama, probably trying to "look tough," after recalling the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group in early October, just before the Russian's launched their only Carrier to go fight ISIS, made a deal with Turkey's Erdogan to launch our jets from Turkish air bases. Erdogan is Muslim Brotherhood, so that is really no surprise. Plus, Turkey had been attacked by ISIS, so the US using their bases, gave him a "border watch dog" in the US's jets. But this last Monday, 3 days after the attacks in Paris, Obama deployed the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group with 6,000 sailors to head down to help in the fight.

Last weekend, the world looked on as a puffed up Putin made a deal with Hollande, and they began flying strikes on Raqqa and Aleppo Syria, together. Obama made his own deal with Putin that we'll stay out of Iraqi air space when they're flying, and vice versa. Now, as of this morning, there is heightened speculation that the Chinese are sending a carrier of their own!  

The last post I put on this blog, was about Ezekiel 38. There is now, further proof, that indeed, the "King of the North" is in Syria. He has made a deal with the French, and will later make a deal with Germany and now, possibly with China as well, to make a stand against ISIS, but it will not end there. The EU is the "Revived Roman Empire." (See Daniel 2:32). France is a NATO nation and Article 5 states that an attack on one, is an attack on all NATO ally nations. 

ISIS has already attacked the Turks and Erdogan who just won re-election, and allowed the soccer fans to cheer "Allahu akbar" over and over again at a recent soccer match, is Muslim Brotherhood and probably isn't very happy about any of the attacks from ISIS and will have to defend himself once the Harry S. Truman arrives and reclaims our jets onto the deck of our carrier. He will eventually be part of the conflict that causes them to go against Israel. He does have a border to protect and nobody is going to just "do it for him?" 

In Germany, they've already had to shut down a soccer match, which German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in an act of defiance of the terrorists, was set to attend. But then, there was a threat and they had to evacuate the stadium and abandon the match. If I was her? I'd be pretty ticked off and I'd definitely want to make Germany part of the attacks on ISIS if they had chased me out of a venue that way!  

We're all pretty darn sick of ISIS. I don't think I've seen the world this angry about it until now. What in the world they were waiting for, is anyone's guess, but I have a feeling it was all about God's timing, which is indeed, perfect. When ISIS began by beheading an American journalist by the name of James Foley, I thought we would respond. I couldn't figure out why we weren't doing anything. But then they started killing Christians! They started crucifying people, executing hundreds of Iraqi soldiers at one time, burying women & children alive, taking women/girls as sex slaves, burning a pilot from Jordan alive in a cage, killing men they suspected were gay by throwing them off of buildings, etc., etc., and they videotaped it for the world to see! Now they are using 10 yr old boys to execute people! So why is it that now, all of a sudden, they're ready to go bomb the crud out of em? What was missing before all those Christians were crucified, beheaded, chased out of Mosul, raped, beaten into submission, marked for death, or left to die on Mt. Sinjar? 

Well, I believe I know the answer to that question. There was one chess piece, that was not yet in play and it was the "King of the North," Russia. You tell me, where is Putin now? Syria. Why is he there? When he went in there in the middle of September, he said he didn't know why he was there! I knew why he was there! It's all laid out in Ezekiel 38! (Pls see post below!).

He's now in Syria, with his airplanes, helping France bomb ISIS back to the hell they came from. They are hitting every ISIS target they can find and now the US is flying along with the French and the Russian's and we've now made a deal with Putin to just stay out of each other's way when flying missions over the area. 

Obama has most definitely been 'holding back' the full force and strength of the United States military! He should've rained hell fire on ISIS a long time ago, but the US has been weakened by our overwhelming debt and we can't afford another war. We will do what we can, but there will be no ground troops, no invasion and sadly, no "Peace through Strength." We are so badly weakened by the Obama years to the point where we can't sharpen our own pencils, much less destroy this terrible enemy, at least not by ourselves. They will need Putin's leadership now, a "guard" for them. 

"And the word of the Lord came to me saying "Son of man, set your face toward Gog (Putin) of the land of Magog (USSR), the prince of Rosh, (Russia), Meshech (Moscow) and Tubal (Tobolsk, NE of Siberia), and prophecy against him and say, "Thus says the Lord God, "Behold, I am against you, O Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal. I will turn you about (from his natural inclination, which in this case, was to take over the Ukraine), and put hooks into your jaws, (signifying unwillingness), and I will bring you out and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them splendidly attired (clothed in full armor), a great company with buckler and shield, all of them wielding swords; Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, (Arab Spring Nations), and Put (Libya) with them, all of them with shield and helmet. Gomer (Germany) with all it's troops, Beth-togarmah, (Turkey), from the remotest part of the north, all of it's troops, many peoples with you. Be prepared and prepare yourself, you and all your companies assembled about you and be a guard (leader) for them!" (Ezekiel 38:1-7).

Need I go further? Whether you like it or not people? This is happening! The battle known as the "Gog/Magog War" has just begun! 

Jesus WILL have HIS way, but we must, as Christian's, pray and remember Acts 16:29-31 and the caveat that Paul and Silas gave their jailer when he asked them "What must I do to be saved?" They told him to "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." Then they added this: "You AND your household!" 

Never forget, that the same power that lived in Jesus? It lives on in us, His believers, through the Holy Spirit! Jesus said, "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." (John 14:12)..

Soon, the One who was pierced for OUR transgressions, the ONE who is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, and was there at Creation and said, "Let there be light," the One who healed the sick, and raised the dead, who died for our sins, will say to us, one by one.....

"Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into your rest!" (Matthew 25:21).

Be Blessed dear brothers and sisters, for, "When these things begin to take place, stand and look up, for YOUR REDEMPTION IS DRAWING NEAR!" (Luke 21:28).

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