Friday, December 11, 2015


"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9). 

The above scripture is one of the reasons I write this blog. I always try to tell my readers the truth and lift them up, so that they won't make some of the same mistakes I have made and so they will know that no matter what is happening in their life, they are indeed, very loved. Jesus gave Himself for all of us, so that no matter how rejected, unloved or how much we felt like we don't belong, we can know that we are loved, that we do belong, and that He will never reject us, but rather, has already accepted us, as we are, promising to help us change, by the "renewing of our minds," if we are willing. (Romans 12:2). All we must do, is so simple, it's stupid. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, will not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16).

I hope that all those who read, have read or will read this blog, will gain something out of each post, that helps them to understand God and His will for us a little better. This is just one of them. There is nothing that we ourselves can do, no matter how grand, in order to gain heaven because Jesus already did the work Himself when He bled and died on Calvary's cross, for our sins, past, present and future. "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they be red as crimson, they shall be like wool." (Isaiah 1:18). This is what Jesus did for us. His blood is the payment, in full, for our transgressions. There is no work we could ever do, to pay the full price for our sins. Jesus was the "Lamb of God" who was sacrificed for us, so that if we just believed in Him, we would go to heaven and not perish in the eternal damnation of hell.

In some of my most recent posts about biblical prophecy, I made a few errors. I was a bit confused, as many get, about where certain places listed in the bible are today. I was also missing something about the "King of the North" and the "King of the South," that was very important! I have to admit, when I started getting so interested in Ezekiel 38, I got a bit of tunnel vision and ran with it. The one thing I wasn't seeing was that the King of the North is going to be a double dealing backstabber. 

The King of the North is Putin. He's already in Syria, and has had one of his planes shot down by the Sunni's in Turkey. He called them "backstabbers" for what they did. I believe now, that at some point, he will leave Syria, march through "The Beautiful Land," Israel, (see Daniel 11), and overtake Egypt and steal her riches! Put which I thought was Libya, is northern Africa, and Cush, which I thought was Sudan, is all of southern Africa, and will join the King of the North. We're going to have a Sunni/Russian/Shia alliance! 

When I first began to get "tunnel vision" about Ezekiel 38, I wondered at first, "What could the King of the North be "turned about" from? (Ezekiel 38:4). I suddenly realized that he would be turned around and pulled out of the Ukraine, which is exactly what happened about 6 months later. I also made a comment in one of those posts about how at some point, the Sunni and the Shia Muslims will have a "peace pipe" moment and make peace with each other, and say, "Hey, why are we fighting each other! Our REAL enemy is Israel!" That has yet to happen.

But then, I saw this episode of "The Hal Lindsey Report" from December 4th, and I got a confirmation that I'm not the only one who believes that! I admit, I was a bit off on some things, but I pretty much had it, except the "peoples" that would be with Putin in this whole thing. Believe me, if you try to get into it, you can get a headache pretty fast! It can be very confusing figuring out "who" who is? 

Please watch this video with your family? Please be ready? We need to use Lamentations 3:23 each and every day, "His mercies are new every morning, blessed be the name of the Lord." We can be forgiven a million times in one day when we sin! We just have to be very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit! I know, as for me anyway, I would not want to be in the middle of committing a sin when He comes? So I've tried to be super good! He is my Father, and I want to please Him! The bible says "Without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6).

If you are not saved, it is never too late! If you have fallen away from Jesus Christ and His ways, it's never too late to begin again! He loves you, so much, please give Him a 2nd chance? And if you've never begun a personal relationship with Him, why not do so right now? I truly believe, that if you are reading this? He's calling your name! Answer Him! It may not be easy, and things could even get worse, but this world belongs to the devil, the "thief who comes to steal kill and destroy?" He will try to make you fall back into your old ways, but God will always be there and He will always hold you by the back of your shirt before you fall off of a deadly cliff. He did that for me and I know He'll do it for you! He saved me from myself. Let Him do the same for you? 

We need to be on our knees folks, because the end? Well, it's almost here. Jesus told us the things that would occur in Matthew 24 and in Luke 21. The one thing He said that always stuck with me was this: "When you see these things begin to take place, stand and look up! For your redemption is drawing nigh." (Luke 21:28). 

Folks, those things are all happening! All one must do is look around, dig into it a little bit, and see the amazing grace that God has planted all around us so that we might see His power at work! He is in complete control! He will save you, if you'll only give Him a chance? Please don't leave this site, until you email me, (use the contact form), and let me know? I would love to pray for you and ask the Lord to make it easier for you to learn, to grow your faith, to learn about your spiritual gifts and grow them, and especially for Him to keep you safe and protect you? Please, don't go without making a choice? "Choose you this day, whom you will serve." (Joshua 24:14-15). You can serve God or money. But you cannot serve both. You can serve God, or the "things" you idolize, but you can't serve both. You can serve God, or you can serve "self" but you cannot serve both!

That is why God gave us grace. So that we could be forgiven when we walk away, to do things "our way" again.

If I have written anything that brought you down, please forgive me? I have written a few posts that were basically "pity parties for one" and then tried to draw a lesson into it, but that may not have been the right thing for me to do. Self pity is a form of "idolatry." The Israelites had a horrible time getting rid of their bad habits of worshipping the gods of Egypt? Some believe that those habits that they had learned in the land of Egypt brought them down in the desert. They doubted. They even wanted to go back to Egypt! They would rather be slaves, than move forward. Sometimes I feel like that's what I'm doing? Staying a slave to my sin, which is "familiar?" Does that happen to you? 

I just feel like at times, I haven't been an "encourager" at all, but rather a complete downer? I apologize for the times I have done that, and I will try very hard not to do that anymore. If you have read any of the posts herein, and seen any of those posts, please forgive me. I am human, and I am going through a lot, but I should probably talk more about the Lord and how much He loves us, and use the scriptures to teach, show my love for all of you, and share my prayers for all of you. So again, please forgive me. I do try to do my best, and a lot of the time, I get things wrong. I don't doubt myself, I doubt my earthly, fleshly self? My spiritual self is fine, and sitting in the heavenlies with Jesus, which is where I cannot wait to be!

He is indeed, coming very quickly! Personally? I'm so homesick, I cannot wait to go home!

He gives me grace each day and I want all of you to know the feeling of that grace too. Please, know, that each and every second, of every single day, no matter what you've done, or hos often the devil whispers in your ear, "You're never going to be good enough," just remember this: In the end? 

Grace always wins!                                                                                                                         

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JeriAnn Eakin