Friday, January 29, 2016

All I Want, Is Jesus!

After watching some of the Republican debate, as well as the live feed from my Twitter feed, I'm more convinced than ever, that Jesus is coming very soon. Think, "Beginning of the End," and you've got the idea. 

When you see people acting so uncharacteristically opposite of what they used to seem to be, you know you're seeing something that the bible said would happen! "For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open." (Luke 8:17). 

It seems like those who are on the left, really don't seem to care anymore. They're just lettin' it fly, or Bernie Sanders wouldn't be nippin' at Hillary's heels in all the polls. The email scandal is about to really screw things up too. Jim Comey, the Director of the FBI, who's a pretty decent guy, may have to resign if Obama's justice dept doesn't indict Hillary. Obama is refusing to release 22 of the emails found on Hillary's server because they're so top secret! You just watch! Vice President Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren could enter the race! The DNC can't trust the party to crazy Bernie! 

And the Republican's? Goodness gracious, I really don't think I've ever seen anything like this, and I'm not the only one. There are likely thousands of us! It's happening with the Trump/Cruz/outsider revolution on the right too! Establishment Republican's, who are really just RINO's, "Republican in Name Only," don't want a Trump presidency because he won't be beholden to anyone! The last president who refused to play along was JFK! Bill Bennett, or at least an email giving him credit for saying it, said that he thinks they'd kill Trump before letting him become President. That's how nasty the establishment is! I love how their screaming up and down that Trump isn't a conservative, when Reagan was a democrat all of his life until LBJ ran for election in '64. He saw the "Great Society" idea and had to switch parties. The party of his father, was dead to him. The same thing could've happened to Trump, who knows? These Planned Parenthood video's, could've created a whole new Republican voting block! It's that barbaric! Plus, Reagan switched to Republican in 64, then in 66, ran for and won the race for Governor of California! 

No worries. God is in control, 100% of the time, so I'm not worried but I have to stop watching because of my blood pressure! Plus, I don't want anything to get in the way of my mission for the year! I want to find a different type of doctor who will actually treat the spinal problem I have with acupuncture, physical therapy, massage therapy, whatever they got, and as a last option, surgery so I can feel better, restore my quality of life, maybe even go back to work, become productive again and get off of all of these horrible meds! They are toxins that can literally, over time, kill you! I have ZERO quality of life and am in constant pain. I'm only 53 and still have a "3rd act" to live, but THIS ISN'T LIVING! I have to fight back or this is going to literally kill me! The doctor's I've been going to for the last four years? I feel like I've already been "death paneled" by them, and their "Happy Pills Inc" prescription pads!

So all I want is Jesus and better health! He will come soon, and take us away to a much better, more peaceful and loving place where we will be reunited with our Father, probably very soon, but I feel like I was giving up! Now, I want to fight like the dickens with the time I have left on this earth, to get well! I'm finally in the "acceptance" stage of grief over my broken and lost marriage and empty nest syndrome! So let "Act 3" begin! I've decided to move forward slowly, one step at a time, and "Stand and look up, for our redemption draweth nigh!"(Luke 21:28).

God Bless you all and have a great weekend everyone! Remember to smile at everyone you see! You never know when a "Divine Appointment" will occur!                                                                                                                                                                      

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JeriAnn Eakin