Thursday, March 17, 2016

Ezekiel 38 Right Before Our Eyes!

Today, I wanted to share with you a few of the latest episodes of "The Hal Lindsey Report."  I've been thinking about the episode on 9/18 since I saw it, and now, I finally have what I feel is the perfect "Part II" to go along with it. 

This is from Ezekiel 38. God is speaking to "Gog" (Putin), of the land of "Magog" or Russia.

"Thus says the Lord God, 'It will come about on that day, that thoughts will come into your mind, and you will devise an evil plan, and you will say, 'I will go up against the land of unwalled villages, (the land is Israel & unwalled refers to Israel's protection, which they will no longer have because under the nuke deal with Iran, America is required to defend Iran against Israel if they try to attack). God continued, "I will go against those who are at rest, that live securely, all of them living without walls and having no bars or gates, to capture spoil and to seize plunder, to turn your hand against the waste places which are now inhabited, and against the people who are gathered from the nations, (the establishment of Israel as a state in 1948, began a mass exodus of Jews back to Israel, which continues to this day), who have acquired cattle and goods, who live at the center of the world. Sheba (an ancient Semitic civilization in parts of Ethiopia and Yemen), and Dedan, (Tyre/Lebanon), and the merchants of Tarshish (Great Britain), with all it's villages/young lions (Colonies: The United States), will say to you, "Have you come to take a plunder? Have you assembled your company to seize plunder, to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods to capture great spoil?" (Ezekiel 38:10-13). Obviously, America IS mentioned, it just points out that we will stand by and do nothing, which is EXACTLY what the US has already been doing. Nothing.

There are a lot of different countries listed in Ezekiel 38, that will make an alliance with "Gog," or Putin, the prince of "Rosh," Russia, of the kingdom of "Magog," again Russia, who is preparing to lead a great army from the north against Israel. "Meshech" is Moscow, "Tubal" is Tobolsk NE of Siberia, Tubal is also possibly a baltic state such as Ukraine? "Persia" is Iran, "Gomer" is Germany, or all of eastern Europe, all of whom could be overthrown and taken over by jihadi terrorists who are currently and have been, growing in number in their midst for decades, not to mention all the Syrian refugee's Germany is about to absorb. Continuing with our list,  "Beth-Togarmah" is Turkey, (who was just bombed by two suicide bombers last week, so they could get pulled into this thing soon. They're listed?). "Cush" is Sudan, and "Put" is Libya. 

Some of the countries listed above, have changed names and area over the centuries, so they were marked by following the sons of Noah, and where they settled. There could be more countries I missed, but we got the most important ones. Some of these names listed above, as you noticed may be in two different regions, or countries. For instance, if you do a search, you will find that the birthplace of all terrorism, "Assyria," is now located in 4 different countries. Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran. How about that one? Kinda spooky ain't it? 

Please, if you are worried about the end, don't be? If you believe in Jesus, He's got you covered! He said, "DO NOT let your hearts be troubled! You believe in God, believe also in Me. Trust in God, trust also in Me." (John 14:1). So stop worrying about your kids or family? Just remember what it says in Acts 16:29-31. Memorize it and draw on it when you need it. It's one of the greatest promises in the New Testament, especially to us mom's, because let's face it, fear of the unknown which causes anxiety and "worry?" It all comes with our job description. But, when you truly believe it, with all of your heart, your faith will grow and your worries will shrink! 

Isaiah 45:11 is such an amazing verse of scripture, a really huge promise from God to those who believe in Jesus! This verse is an amazing promise, and I believe that it is all tied in with our faith, or lack thereof? The bible says "without faith, it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11:6). Isaiah 45:11 says," Thus says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, 'Ask Me about the things to come, concerning MY sons, (meaning "all of God's children"), and you shall commit to Me, the work of My hands." (In the KJV it says "Commandeth ye me."). That is my new favorite verse, because the promise itself is just such an amazing promise of protection! 

Please, watch both of these video's when you have the chance. They may help you with understanding why Russia is in Syria and what's going on with emigrating refugees too, there's just a lot of great news information, that you wouldn't see on a network like MSNBC, CNN or any other main stream media outlets. So please watch & if you agree, please share with family and friends, especially those who need Jesus, for the days are short!

May God bless you all and may we all be peaceful with and prayerful for each other, and other's outside of our circles as well?

Thanks for the reminder Hal, that not only are we close? We need to be like one, crying out in the wilderness............ 

"Prepare ye the way for the Lord. Make straight paths for Him."                               

Prepare Ye the Way!
Michael W. Smith LIVE!


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