Thursday, September 22, 2016

When God Steps In

Fear can make you feel very alone. Even worse is when you say you're trusting God for everything in your life, when what you really mean is "everybody in your life." 

I was telling my little cancer survivor who is now 28 years old, that she needed to be on high blood pressure meds and that she should go and get a physical. She told me no. When I began to "complain" about it to the Lord, I heard a little voice inside, as clear as day, say "How is it that you trusted Me with your little girl all those years ago, yet you don't trust Me with you?" 

Talk about God's timing? I just had the lumbar and cervical spine MRI's this afternoon. By the time I got home, my doctor had already scheduled me for next Monday, but I have another appointment I simply can't miss for another malady that popped up recently.

I really like my new doctor. He researched the furuncle situation, which is just another nice word for "MRSA" or Medically Resistant Staph. He put me on an antibiotic that nobody put me on before, and it was gone within one week! That now frees me to get the Enbrel shot I need for the Psoriatic Arthritis as well as the two surgeries I'll need for decompressing the lower spine, and the more dangerous surgery, which involves the upper spine, or the neck? It's a cord nightmare, or so I've read.

After I got home, I turned on the TV, but quickly got bored. I decided to listen to some Christian music from my iTunes play lists. When I heard this song, I began to cry. God has always had control over this situation. This song reminded me that He will never leave you or me, nor will He ever forsake us, the way we do Him! 

I need to get well, so I can get out there, get a job, feel some self respect again, gain back my dignity and start to live for the Lord, and I mean, live out loud for Jesus!

I hope this post will help the hearts of others who are facing difficult surgeries with uncertain outcomes. If you need prayer, please send me your prayer requests at

Remember, when we see "broken beyond repair," God see's "healing beyond belief." I have a feeling the timing of all of this is just perfect, because God never makes mistakes. That means my testimony will be just crazy amazing!

God bless you all and thank you for reading this blog. I pray for all of you because even though I may not know you personally? God does!

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JeriAnn Eakin