Tuesday, November 27, 2018

I Am Who God Says I Am

"For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love, He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will, to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves." (Ephesians 1:4-6).

Knowing who you are in Christ is a pretty big deal. I'd been chasing my tail for years to obtain that information & while I've walked on mountain peaks with the Lord before, back in 2012, God pulled me back from a precipice to say, "I'm not done with you yet." This blog was started that very day.

If you're a Christian and are confused and don't know who you are in Christ Jesus, please see paragraph 1 of today's blog post. It says who you are right there. You belong to God. You are His child! We are co-heirs with Jesus Christ and He's coming back to take His Bride, the Church away with Him to Heaven and He's coming quickly! Personally, I can't wait because I'm just flat out homesick! 

I don't care what other people think about me, but I do care what God thinks of me, so I'm trying to live a life that would make Him welcome me with open arms when I arrive there. All I want to hear is "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into your rest."

When you hear those other "voices" lying to you about you or others, just remember Jesus is right there, ready and willing to put on a cape and save you!  'Submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee." (James 4:7). The devil uses these whispers to destroy us where we sit/stand, etc. Our sins are played over and over like a bad mixed tape that needs to be changed! How do you overcome it? Read the next verse! "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." (James 4:8).

I believe what the bible says about me, but sometimes it's hard to remember that. Every time the devil attacks me in my head, and I start hearing lies about myself, I immediately ask God's forgiveness, (submitting), I then ask God to remove the spirit that is bothering me, (the devil), and he does! The act of saying the name of "Jesus" out loud has that effect on the evil one and all of his demons! (Sometimes I imagine him being slapped and responding like a little girl, running away in tears).

It can be difficult not to allow our emotions to rule our lives, but it's pretty easy to put them aside when you need to if you're aware of the devil's tricks, and you have to fight back just to have some sanity. It pays endless dividends to know your enemy and to know him well.  

This one, I now know very well. And while it was very difficult to get to where I am now, I'm just glad I've made it this far.

And tomorrow? Well that's another day! 

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JeriAnn Eakin