Thursday, August 28, 2014

Waiting for a Miracle?

I know a lot of people are having a rough time right now, especially those who were affected by the devastating 6.0 quake just over the hill in Napa County. As for physical pain, I am just one of many who are suffering and while I suffer physically, my husband has been out of work for over two months, but I trust God to provide for us. I also trust that I will eventually get in to see a specialist so they can figure out why all my fingers, both wrists and elbows are filling up with fluid which over time has gotten worse and worse and more and more painful. My one hope is that God, no matter what happens will be glorified. It's the only thing that matters to me. For those of you reading this, would you please pray for me? I would greatly appreciate it. I truly feel that I am under demonic attack. I need my hands to type and that is where I am most greatly affected.

We all know there a lot of other people out there suffering much more than we are. I start to get a little grumpy, until I think of the man or woman who has no arms or hands. It's a great attitude adjustment and those of us who suffer need to do it every day. Take a moment and think of others who are suffering way worse than we are. That really helps me to get my mind off of myself, and I usually end up going to the Lord, ashamed, and in tears to ask His forgiveness. 

My Dad once said something to me that I've never forgotten. "There was a man who was upset that he had no shoes, until he saw a man who had no feet." When you stop to think of others who have it worse than you do, that's when humility kicks in every time. Then, when we ask  forgiveness for our thoughts, even when we are just suffering beyond what we think we can handle, God is right there and He is ready to not only forgive us, he will carry us through to the other side! He carries us through our depression, our addictions, our pain, our illnesses, etc., etc.. I could go on and on, but it's hard to type today! = )

I hope those of you who are suffering won't wait until your pain goes away to face the Lord and do what is right. A lot of people who suffer do so with a smile and with faith that could move a mountain. I'm going to try to have that kind of faith and I'm just gonna keep praising Him no matter what. We are to praise Him in all circumstances and rejoice when we are hurting! It will make us feel better, just like Peter who sank under the waves? Jesus saved him, so why wouldn't he save us? 

We are all a miracle to God. He created us and wants us to turn to Him always, especially in our deepest moments of sorrow and anguish. I know what both are like and I'm grateful that I know God because without Him? Well I could see my story ending in a much more tragic way. For some of us, tomorrow may never come so try to think about what you do have and be grateful for it. 

I was a slave to sin, but now, thank God, I'm free! I'm free because of Jesus gift, given to all of us through His cross! We may lose our perspective once in awhile, but the minute we turn to Jesus? Well, He will find a way where there seems to be no way! It's humility that saves us every time. Think of others before yourself and watch for the miracles that God will do in your life! Commit your life to Him daily and you will see Him working in you and around you! You will be amazed! 

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JeriAnn Eakin