Saturday, March 19, 2016

God's STILL Not Dead!

I received an email from Pure Flix early last week to announce a video now available on their site. It's about the making of the movie "God's Not Dead 2."  

Here is a short clip from this highly anticipated sequel! (Watch Below).

In "God's Not Dead 2," a Christian student asks "Isn't that kind of what Jesus said when he said we should love our enemies?"  She used Jesus as a reference point to the discussion in class. She was trying to draw a direct parallel between Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Jesus. Her teacher, Grace, (played by Melissa Joan Hart), answers her question about what Jesus said about 'loving your enemies," by speaking a scripture verse out loud from memory. "You have heard it said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." (Matthew 5:43-44). So all Grace really does, is agree with a "Yes" to the point her student made. To confirm her point, Grace recites the verse from memory. She wasn't "preaching" to her class, as is alleged against her, she was just using the verse, something asked about by a student, to draw a parallel and nothing more.

When "Jesus" is mentioned by both student and teacher, a male student in the same class, texts his parents about it and they complain to the school. Almost overnight, the situation is out of control. Grace has to legally fight for her job. She tells her union lawyer, (the only one who's willing to fight for her rights and stand in her corner), "I'm not going to be ashamed to say the name Jesus." 

I think that the Founders thought our "Freedoms" when it came to "religion" and "speech" were  'sacrosanct," meaning, "untouchable" and "not to be interfered with." They would be the first to stand and say to the school districts in this country to back the heck off! SO JESUS JESUS JESUS! ("JESUS" Highlighted in blue? Click, Click & Click 'cause all 3 of them should say, "Trailer, Trailer, Trailer!" So get to "clickin" already..oh, well u might as well read the whole thing right? Just make sure to come back & CLICK CLICK CLICK!).

If I am ever charged with a crime against the state for speaking the name of Jesus? Well, so be it. I REFUSE to be ashamed of my faith in Christ Jesus!

As for knowing God, trusting in Jesus and what He did for me on the cross? If I were to be arrested for being a Christian and believing in the death, burial and resurrection of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?   

Then I'd want to be found "Guilty!" 

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JeriAnn Eakin