Friday, June 24, 2016

Brexit: Historic & Prophetic!

It didn't hit me till early yesterday. It was around 11 am and suddenly my thought process went into high gear! "What if the Brits leave the EU?" Hmmm. I Immediately knew they would vote to leave the European Union, and that's exactly what they did! 
Thing is? Britain has to be isolationist in order to fulfill bible prophecy of the "end times!" It was a very tight vote! Only a four point difference! But they voted to "exit." "Sheba, Dedan, the Merchant's of Tarshish (Britain) and the young lions (or "villages" which is the United States), will say, "Are you coming to capture spoil?" (Ezekiel 38:13). It will be the dumbest question ever asked in the history of mankind.

Why do I believe it's the United States? Some translations of the bible are very different from the King James version. For instance, the King James version says "young lions." In other translations, it's "villages" with a super script "a" which verse by verse, gives an explanation of the super script (a). Under the "a" in my NASB version, it says "or young lions" even though the translation says "villages." America is the youngest country in the entire world. We'll be 240 years old on July 4th. Also, the "lion" is the mascot of Britain & America was born out of Britain.

"The Merchants of Tarshish," (Britain), and the "Young Lions," (America), will be too busy trying to pick up the pieces of both of our countries, both of which are in decline. Our military is so terribly depleted, that if Israel gets into a situation? We won't be able to offer them much help. In Ezekiel 38:4, Ezekiel is writing down what God tells him to. He's talking about the "King of the North." When he says "Gog" he's talking about Vladimir Putin, the "King of the North." He's the Prince of "Rosh" or "Russia." (Gog = a man (Putin), Magog = "A kingdom," Russia!), Meshech = Moscow, Rosh = Russia.).

Russia will use a path through Syria to get into Israel. In Ezekiel 38:4, it says "I will turn you around and put hooks in your jaw"  it says "hooks" plural, meaning there will be two reasons for Russia to want what Israel has. But God, the ever present "eye in the sky" will stop the advancing armies the second just one of their toes steps over the boundary lines that GOD HIMSELF established! Forget "pre 1967 borders" here! A lot of Israel's land was stolen from them and some of that land is in Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza. God Himself has already "turned him around!" Putin left the Ukraine to the rebels, but I don't know how much support he's giving them, if at all? He was "turned around" from the Ukraine, and went into Syria to bail out Assad. He sent 150,000 troops into Syria and he's now rebuilding Assad's airport and a brand spankin new base for the Russians. At one point last summer, Putin said, "I don't even know why I'm here!' That's because GOD IS IN CONTROL! 

Scotland and Ireland both voted to remain in the European Union, however, Scotland is going to put separating from the UK to a vote, and then rejoin the EU. Ireland is planning to do the same, however, Brexit has sparked other European countries to leave the EU as well. The movements known as Austria La Vista, Italeave, Czchout, Finish, Departugal, Slovakout, is just a taste of things to come! Other's are with them including the Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Hungary and Sweden.  

Things are happening every day that signal the return of Jesus for His Bride, the Church! So please? I'm begging you? WAKE UP! This generation saw the re-settlement of Israel and that same generation will see the Rapture! Read Revelation 3:15-16. It's the final warning given by Jesus to all of us. He asks us to be hot or cold, but that if we are "lukewarm," (having one foot in sin and the other in the Lord?), that he'll "spit" us out of his mouth! Then, in Revelation 4:1, John is told "with the voice of the trumpet," to "come up hither." It was a foreshadowing of the Rapture! It's so past time to "get right with God," that it's not funny! What happened to John, is going to happen to us, and we're running out of time so "choose you this day who you will serve!" (See Isaiah 24:15).

If you don't know Jesus? It's very simple. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believeth in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life." It's KISS - "Keep it simple stupid." All one must do is trust the Lord! "He who calls upon the name of Lord shall be saved!" (Romans 10:13).

And now to my final point. Whether you like it or not? GOD IS ON THE MOVE and He is in control!

And to that, I say, "Hallelujah!"                                                                                                                                                       

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JeriAnn Eakin