Thursday, June 16, 2016

Don't Judge Them - Love them & Save Them!

There are simply no words that can comfort the parents of Christina Grimmie, who was a star on "The Voice," the 49 killed in the night club & the parents of little Lane Graves, who was pulled from the shore of a lagoon at Disney by an alligator and drowned. 

There is one thing I will not accept from others. PEOPLE JUDGING ANY OF THEM! I was HORRIFIED when I heard that a "Mommy Blog" out there, judged Mrs. Graves asking, "Where was the mother?" Hey, they were from NEBRASKA! It's a man made lagoon & there were no signs warning of gators feeding close to shore at night! It's God's job to judge the 49 who were killed, and we need to pray for the 53 survivors! This event could lead them out of that lifestyle and right into the arms of Jesus! 

Of course, I've heard everything from "It's the mother's fault! Where was she?" to "We should be merciful and kill them all!" (Modified stmt by a radical Muslim cleric). This guy thinks it's the "compassionate" thing to do. Kill the gays! I also heard,  "Poor Mateen. He was thrown out of the court house and out of the police academy. No wonder he SNAPPED?" Really? He had been planning the attack for a long time according to his current wife! This is something people need to get, especially us Christians, and if we don't, it will lead to WORSE situations all over this country!

This transcends politics, religion and parenting folks. All of this is BIBLICAL! Whether you choose to believe it or not, we are in the LAST DAYS OF THE DISPENSATION OF GRACE! JESUS WILL NOT TARRY MUCH LONGER!

A generation is a 100 yrs according to the bible. The Balfour Agreement, signed by the British November 2, 1917 and 100 yrs is up next Nov 2! What's the Balfour Agreement? Well, a Jew in Britain, devised some sort of weaponry that could end WWI & the Brits were so grateful they asked him what he wanted, and all he asked was that Israel be allowed back into their true homeland to work the land that God kept fallow until they named themselves a new "nation state" in the Middle East on May 14, 1948. The cool thing is, that we could be raptured on November 3, 2016! That is how close we are to being with Jesus forever!

So everyone calm down please? Don't bash that poor mother who just lost her baby boy? Stop judging gay people and start loving everyone instead! The bible says "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35). Don't you think it's about time we started acting like true Christian believers? Judging others accomplishes ZIP, ZERO, ZILCH, NADA! It's the LOVE of Jesus people need to see from us if we are to get anywhere. (Pick up a used copy of "Faith for Earth's Final Hour," by Hal Lindsey and READ IT!).

Always remember, "A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger." (Proverbs 15:1).

Now get out there and TESTIFY about what the Lord has done for YOU! I do it everyday if given the chance! I never hang up a phone before asking the customer service agent if they know Jesus! THE DAYS ARE VERY SHORT!

Maybe we should follow the example of that sweet 22 year old girl, Christina Grimmie. On Easter, she posted a video on YouTube and sat at her keyboard and sang "In Christ Alone." She was a perfect example of a sweet, caring, non judgmental Christian. I didn't know who she was because I don't watch that show, but I sure have heard a lot about her. She had her arms open, ready to give the guy a hug when he SHOT AND MURDERED HER in front of her other fans! She's in heaven with Jesus now. She was just too beautiful for this earth and the shooter? He killed himself after he killed her, so they may have differing destinations!

At this point? It's about getting people into the Kingdom! The days truly are short! All of the prophecies of the bible are standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU if you'll just look up from whatever it is you shouldn't be doing long enough for him to CONVICT you in your own hearts! He does that to me EVERY DAY and I'M VERY GRATEFUL FOR IT!

Jesus is the only answer folks! So pray up, look up cuz we're GOIN UP very soon!

God Bless you all in your walk with Jesus!

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JeriAnn Eakin