Friday, December 21, 2018

Friday Funnies - Christmas Edition!

I know how busy everyone is right now, trying to buy gifts for family members so close to Christmas, so I decided to do a "Friday Funnies - Christmas Edition!" 

As you finish your last minute shopping and trips to the grocery store, be safe out there and don't forget to be thoughtful of others, and when an employee in a certain store says "Happy Holidays," remember they were trained to say nothing else, so respond with a "God bless you, and a "Merry Christmas," and try to say their name if you can read their name tag! Then go home, write a prayer for that person and put it on your prayer room wall. In Matthew 6:6 Jesus said, "Go into  your inner room to pray."

On a personal note: God doesn't want you to "boycot" a store simply because the ownership doesn't want their employee's saying "Merry Christmas!" They're just following store policy, trying to keep their jobs, but it does give YOU an opportunity to bring them a blessing instead of a curse! And if anyone gives you any guff, just remember what Jesus said: "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me." (Matthew 5:11).

Hope you enjoy the video's this week! Be safe as you get the rest of your shopping done and please, share the love of Jesus? 

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! 


Here's Tim Hawkins' tribute to Christmas! 

Here's Michael Jr., talking about what it
must've been like to be a younger sibling
 of Jesus! This one had me rollin' on the floor!

Do you like funny Church Marqi's?
Check this video out! It's the "Christmas Version!"

Since parking is associated with Christmas,
I couldn't pass this video up!
Listen as Chondra Pierce let's us know
what kind of parking women, REALLY want!

Today, we finish with a group of kids listening
intently to Mark Lowry as he tells the story of
"Piper's Night Before Christmas!" Just too sweet!

I hope you enjoyed these video's. I search far and wide to bring you the funniest shorts I can find, and today I definitely hit the jackpot! 

Merry Christmas everyone, and God Bless You with a very Happy New Year!

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JeriAnn Eakin