Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Christmas Flu

My husband has been working in cold and damp conditions oustide. He's now got a monster of a cold!

I've been keeping my distance, as I haven't gotten the flu in several years, and don't want what he's got. I'm glad I got the pneumonia vacine when I did! I got a little cold around Christmas 2 years ago, and it only lasted for a week and 1/2. The time before that, I had bronchitis for a year and a half. That one started on Christmas day, so I spent two Christmas's in a row, sick!

So, if your sick and singin' the blues, don't feel bad. Everybody is a bit cranky when they don't feel well. I live that nightmare every day with the pain from the spinal stenosis, so I can commiserate. 

So, if you're a bit run down, have some hot chocolate by the fire place with your family and enjoy the coming weekend! 

Knowing a lot of people have the bug, I thought I'd share a funny song with you this post. I hope you get a chuckle out of it and that you all feel better, real soon!

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JeriAnn Eakin