Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Hi everyone! Today I just wanted to say "Merry Christmas" to all of my readers! 

Today is Christmas. Time for family, hugs, great food, playing flag football, etc, so please, have a terrific day, smile at everyone, and let your little light shine! 

Pray for those in your midst that you know are alone. You may want to wait to call them till after the New Year, but always pray for the lost out there, who've yet to find their way to the true meaning of Christmas. His name is Jesus and if He loves them, I think we can do the same. 

Pray for the brokenhearted when you open your gifts today and thank God for all that you have, all the blessings in your life that we all take for granted and for His grace and mercy and what He's going to do for those less fortunate than ourselves.

Do something! It'll knock your socks off how much grace you receive from God when you stick up for Jesus!

I truly hope you all have a blessed Christmas!

God Bless you all!

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JeriAnn Eakin