Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Last Little Bird In The Nest

Our youngest daughter, who just turned 26, is about to fly the coup!

She was planning on moving to another area we're not familiar with and I thought when she bought her new car last week, that it meant she wouldn't be moving out right away. Her Dad felt the same way, so imagine our shock when she announced to us that she and her best friend's sister are actually still going to move to the Natomas area of Sacramento into a 2 bedroom apartment in a complex that hasn't finished construction yet. 

Her friend will be working in Rocklin and Beth commutes to Woodland. She's has a very stable job situation so things are speeding up on me with regards to all of this. Like I said. This was totally unexpected!

I'm grateful that all of my kids have graduated from "home" so successfully. I have my oldest son, who just bought a house 2 years ago, my oldest daughter is making buku bucks at Dolby in San Francisco, where she only has to go in one day a week and telecommutes from home the other four. Then there's my youngest son, who enjoys entering his car into car shows and working as a cashier at Trader Joe's, and is content as can be. He takes after me that way. Beth is more adventurous. She's done 3 police ride alongs now. I wonder if she'll join the academy at times?? I've always thought she'd make an excellent cop!

My husband and my children have been my whole life. Time just flies you know and now all of my children are gone, but I could still die a happy lady tomorrow. All four of my children are successful in life and they all seem to be pretty happy. Totally happy would just be a lie. They all have issues, but it's nice to have a pair of  "Mom Goggles" to look at them through and see only the good things about them. 

I'm starting to have flashbacks of the first Christmas we had in this house. We had moved in on December 15, 1993. We had opened all the presents, and all of a sudden we couldn't find Bethany anywhere! All of us were looking for her. She was 6 months old & still crawling at the time. When we found her, she was sound asleep under the Christmas tree, obscured by wrapping paper. She was adorable then, and now, and I don't know what I'm gonna do after she's moved out and moved on with her life.

When she does? This time, it's gonna hurt. She's my little baby girl. I love having her here. I never thought she'd actually leave, but her wings are full and she's had her test flights, etc., and I know she's ready. But I'm not. 

I'm not worried about her ability to take care of herself. She's a 911 operator, and has been for almost a year, so she has people she can count on who will be there for her if she finds herself in a situation she can't handle. She's cautious and very careful about who she gets close to. She's never even been on a date! She just doesn't trust men. She's way smarter on that front than I ever was, in fact she is wise beyond her years.

I hate that she's going to go, and I'll probably be crying off and on for DAYS when she does, but at least I know she'll have a safe home, a safe vehicle and a very safe working environment. She's a real grown up now. She and her siblings don't need me anymore. They'll call to check in, or I'll call them, but they're all doing just fine and a mom couldn't ask for anything better than that.

Thank you Lord for the children you allowed me to raise. They are all kind, beautiful, dedicated, individuals with special talents that bring goodness into the world. I couldn't be prouder if I tried. I really hope they feel and know that. Please watch over them Father as they continue to make their way into the world. 

For all of our graduates this year, I pray you'll behave honorably as you continue to grow and become adults. Life is what you make of it so don't squander even one minute of it. Have fun, but have safe fun. Be smart. Be cautious and above all else, love each other. Be there for each other and stay in touch with your best friends because you'll never find replacements for them. Trust me. I know.

God bless you all. Congrats to our grads, including my little girl who's graduating into a life on her own. We'll miss her, but she'll only be a phone call away, just like the other 3.

It's been an honor being your mom. I love you Bit. As you go forward in your life, please remember to just enjoy what God has provided and just "Live with Abandon!" 

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JeriAnn Eakin