Monday, June 3, 2019

Time to Count Your Blessings!

Paul said we should be "content" with what we have and not worry about the rest. Wanting "things" and "stuff," isn't a happy investment of our time, so we should be grateful for what we do have and not complain about what we don't.

In my current situation, I'm totally blessed. I have a roof over my head and it's a new roof with 4 new tube skylights in it at that! We also replaced our entire HVAC heating and air system and had new dual pane windows installed as well, which really helped reduce our energy costs. We're still thinking about what color the house should be painted. 

My husband has 2 pensions coming in from the USAF and the Carpenters Union and he's still allowed to work 482 hours a year. That keeps him busy and the rest of the time he piddles around the house and he's really into the landscaping thing. He's really improved our lawns and our back yard. It's no longer just "mud!" He also has done some beautiful brick work around my rose bushes in the front yard, and a whole row of pavers next to the bushes that divide our driveway from the neighbor next door and he also rebuilt the mailbox post, built a new fence on the west side of the house and rebuilt both gates, ours and the neighbor's. 

You know that old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it?" Well, I was told I was "broke" and needed "fixing!" I'm hoping that by working out, eating better, (I can't get enough FRUIT!), that I'll be on my way to being the old me, just a little lighter, leaner and maybe even ready to go back to work!

I could have stayed in my pity pot, letting the devil rob me of my life, but somebody flipped a light switch on somewhere and gave me the gift of playing the piano by ear back! I lost it 34 years ago. I thought it was gone forever, but someone turned the combination lock in my brain, and there it was. Good as new! I've done several covers of other artists songs, and I've written about 13 of my own and I'm getting ready to pay to have them recorded in a real recording studio! 

I have a roof over my head, plenty of food to eat, a nice car to drive, great books to read, a TV and computer, a new routine and I've become very content. There are other things I could want, but when I think of how little others have, and how much I have that they don't, I am humbled and at times even ashamed for not realizing how blessed I am sooner.

God has been very good to me and I am grateful! It's time to count your blessings folks. Jesus is coming soon to take us all home. There, we'll have everything we could ever want or need. It's going to be AWESOME! 

So become content. Jesus will hoist more blessings upon you when you do!

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JeriAnn Eakin