Tuesday, June 4, 2019

When We Are Weak, He Is Strong!

I have A LOT going on lately. I've had a busy load and it's the first time since 2003 that I've had this much on my plate. A lot of it has to do with my health, and I'm dealing with it, but it requires a lot of work on my part, so I have to really lean on "the Everlasting Arms," in order to make it out the other side of the hell I've been going through for nearly 12 years. It's pain caused by spinal stenosis in the lumbar spine, the thoracic spine & in the cervical spine. It's been like going through hell, but I still consider it better than the "real thing?" I continually pray that God will pull me up the mountain of healing I must go through, but I feel weak and undeserving, so I tend to drag my feet. I know that's coming from the devil, but there it is.

I know one thing: I'm definitely on the right track and I think the Lord is giving me the strength to make it through everything I'm going through. Without my faith, all of it would no doubt completely cripple me emotionally as well as physically. I've been letting everything including the actions of others, especially in my family, who call me a hypochondriac when I've been dealing with crippling pain every day in my mid back for close to 12 years, destroy my faith in God's ability to help me.

I also worry that after surgery, I'd develop another post op infection that I wouldn't be able to come back from, and I'm terrified of leaving my family if something like that happens. I'm not strong enough for surgery but I'm working on it because, "I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength!" Philippians 4:13

"My grace is sufficient for you," 2 Corinthians 12:9, is one of my favorite verses right now. I literally heard God in my head saying, "I got you through the first 3 infections what makes you think I can't do it a 4th time?" I now trust that no matter what, I can count on the Lord to watch over me & take care of me. In my weakness, He is showing me my own strengths, which obviously come from Him. He is amazing & I can't wait for the rapture so I can meet Him face to face! 

Right now, I'm just grateful that I heard a sermon that caused me to feel that I needed to dedicate my life to Christ. That was one long aisle! I was a Sophomore in high school when I dedicated my life to Christ. I've re-dedicated my life to Christ several times since. Now, I do it every morning! 

I may be weak right now, but I'm not going to be weak forever. God is giving me a good kick in the pants to workout and get better, stronger, etc., and I'm going to give Him all the glory when I am successful and fully well again!   

If you are going through a period of weakness, call upon the Lord! He'll save you from yourself, for the Lord's strength IS truly perfect!

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JeriAnn Eakin