Thursday, June 7, 2012

He's Just a Prayer Away

I told a story recently, that I think deserves repeating, and I hope it blesses all who happen to read it!

First let me tell you about my panic attacks.   If you're a sufferer you definitely understand how paralyzing they can be.  There are many "triggers" , and you will notice that they do have this way of changing over the years depending on what kinds of stress you may be under, and how many different things are causing the stress.

Anyway, that night in the ER recently, the nurse left the tiny little room I was in, which was definitely not helping because I also have pretty severe claustrophobia.  But by God's grace, she left the small curtain open just enough for me to see an older gentleman in a hospital bed, with an IV, heart monitor and other monitors and machines, and he was alone.  I could feel the Lord's heart and my own, breaking  so I started to pray for him.

I felt so ashamed, I hung my head, and I asked God for forgiveness for being so focused on myself instead of others.  What was so awesome though, is that one second I was totally under attack with severe panic syndrome and the next, I was at perfect peace as Jesus and I sat there together praying for that man.  I didn't even know his name, but God knew!  That's all that mattered.  

Since then I start my mornings with "Good Morning Lord.  What can I do for YOU today?  Please grant me opportunities to share your Good News and to rejoice with a smile and a God Bless you, when I am rejected.  Just please Lord, give me the courage to be kind and let others see the changes you have made and are making in me.  Amen."  Pretty simple right?  Then just like the neighbor you are committed to praying for, start praying for your co-worker friends and also pray for your enemies!  

You know, that even in the darkest of moments, don't ever forget,  Jesus is always listening.  He hears every word you and I say, and no matter what we've done, if we come home with a humble and contrite heart, He is faithful to forgive us!  And He will never leave you nor forsake you. 

He sure didn't forsake me that night.  If anything He made my faith stronger and I left with a stronger heart than when I went in! I have no doubt that you will see amazing things happen when you learn to "let go and let God," do His will through you and me!

Besides, even if you get lost and weary, just call His name!  Because he's always "Just a Prayer Away."

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JeriAnn Eakin