Friday, June 29, 2012

Outcomes We Don't Expect

There are many outcomes that we don't expect in life.  An unexpected pregnancy, a sudden and seemingly inexplicable loss of a loved one, losses in the stock market that wipe out entire retirement accounts, a lost court case that sets you back financially in your business, a family that was close suddenly seems to be falling apart, friends who find out your a Christian now ostracize you....the list is endless however, there is not much you can do about any of it except to have a lot of faith, pray a lot and EXPECT God to do something about your problems!   Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself like I did either.  I turned it around, so why can't you?  You know what my real problem was?  My problem was myself!  I had to get rid of a bad, hurtful thinking process, the one that the devil wanted me to have because it kept me in bondage so don't let him make a fool of you like he did me for the last 10 years!

No matter what we have been through, are going through now or will go through in the future, we need to get a little "holy boldness," and step out of the sin in our own shadows and get right with God.  Especially on the "little things."  Those are the things that the devil uses most to bring us down the quickest, those little sins we don't recognize as sin.  For instance, how much time do you fiddle on the internet at work?  "Yeah, but everybody does it?"  Well, if your co-workers were planning to jump off the building????   I promise, if you stick to the 10 commandments, accept defeat when you know you blew it, and ask God to forgive you, then you won't have a break in communications with Him, and you don't want that.  (I should know, cause it really sucks!).

And even in the little things you do for others, God can be honored.  Do it for Him, and He will reward you, just be careful to keep what you do for others between you and God, or you will receive your reward on earth, and trust me, you'd rather have that reward up in heaven waiting for you, so keep it to yourself!  (Matthew 6:1-2).

Just don't forget?  That includes all of God's children, past, present and future!  He is returning soon to take us all Home, an outcome I am in full expectation of, and cannot wait to experience!

Jesus started to call me awhile back, and I started to pray, "Oh Lord, please find me worthy." I of course, was thinking, "God please find me righteous enough to come home with You in the rapture?"  Then out of nowhere, there was an outcome I totally didn't expect.  He turned my life right side up and took ahold of my heart and I answered Him that time.  That was on April 30th, I got up out of my sick bed and said, "What would you have me do Lord?"  He said, "You're a Barnabus.  You know what to do."  Then, this blog was born.  The idea was to get the call out, that Jesus is INDEED calling us!  Even those of us who think we're safe because we go to church every Sunday?  I just dare you to watch just one of the embeded episodes of "The Hal Lindsey Report" that are posted on this blog.  It will blow you away!  We are SO CLOSE!  The rapture is coming, the question is?

Can you hear Jesus calling? 

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JeriAnn Eakin