Friday, June 8, 2012

Steps to Encourage Others

Okay, I know I'm always encouraging you to encourage others, but I never really give you any ideas on how you might get started!  I know some of you are shy, scared to talk to other people, etc, so let's think of some ways you can be more like Jesus.  You see there is a way to do things and not have to share, in fact we are encouraged not to!     You can keep it as a special memory in your heart for the more friendly, helpful, encouraging and biggest of all, helpful you are to those who are defenseless to do anything about their situation...the better!  No matter how small the situation is!

Jesus said, "Do not do good things so that people will see you do them. If you do, you will get no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give money to poor people, do not send men in front of you to blow trumpets or horns. Some people do this in the meeting houses and on the streets so that people will praise them. They are not true to themselves. I tell you the truth. They have their pay already."  (Matthew 6:1-2).


Maybe you walk or ride your bike to school, and you see how bad the paperboy's arm is?  If there is no doubt which house they were aiming for, pick up the paper and throw it closer to the mark, like the walk way or the porch?  (Someone will think they got a different paperboy!).   Or, how about just giving a respectful smile to someone older as you hold a door open for them?  (As a woman, let me tell ya, some of those big glass doors can be very heavy, so I know they'll appreciate it!)

How about finding the least popular kid or the newest kid at school and showing them around or just sitting with them at lunch?  And when he or she is bullied, stand up for them!  Be bold!  Start standing up for the bullied kids,!  You'll be storing up eternal rewards for caring for one of the "least of these"!

And what about us adults?  "Nah, we give to charity"!  Hogwash!  FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD!  Open the door for someone, if its a weekend and the paper boy missed, take it over and throw it on the correct walk way yourself!  You see, as adults we have resources our children don't.

So, how about paying the bridge toll for the guy behind you once in awhile?  You could pay for the coffee for the next person in line while going through the Starbucks drive-thru? You could give a very hard working employee a day off with pay?

And you ladies, how about doing those same things, safe in your car at the drive thru?  Pay for the coffee or bridge toll, but how about finding the newest girl at work and offering to take her to lunch, your treat and get to know her, offering her something a little scarier...oooh......your friendship!!!!  


It doesn't matter if you're a teen aged boy/girl/mom/dad, etc., don't let these simple  opportunities to be kind & encouraging to others, pass you by?  They won't know us if we just pass on by, they will only know us by our Love!  (John 13:35).

I leave you with the words of Jesus when he was asked about which of the Commandment was the greatest?  Jesus said,   "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.  The second is this:  Love your neighbor as yourself.  There is no commandment greater than these."  (Mark 12:30 -31).

Love yourselves, your families, and please  love others by passing along this blog!  +1 us on Google,  Tweet us,  Share us on FB !  You know what to do to get the word out!  I'm just one person, I need your help to get this  "Love Crusade" on the train tracks!

The day is drawing near!  Let us rise up Church!  Love everyone!  Don't love just your Christian friends, LOVE STRANGERS EVEN MORE!  THE WORLD NEEDS JESUS!

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JeriAnn Eakin