Monday, June 25, 2012

What Do You Believe?

Lord, I beg for all who see this, that they pass it along to those they love, their family & friends!  There are things occurring in the Middle East that our own media in the U.S refuses to cover.  Just this one event could have very serious implications in all of our lives in the future.  Thank you God for your protection through your Holy Spirit and for your Son, who died so that we might live.  Amen.

Please listen as Hal Lindsey, a premiere expert in Biblical Prophecy, explains a verified deal between the Chinese and the Saudi's and the scriptures that explain the end days.

 The Chinese have promised to provide off the shelf nuclear missiles (Dong Feng 21) to the Saudi Arabians who in exchange have agreed to pay the Chinese 60 billion dollars as well as provide them unlimited oil thru 2035!  So, please pass this on.  This all has very important, significant and spiritual implications for everyone on this planet because it isn't the Israeli's that the the Saudi's are afraid of.  It's Iran!  So please forward this to your family and friends?  This information is very important, scary and very spiritually significant for every human being on this planet.  
As you watch, please ask yourself  this one very important question.  

What do I believe?

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JeriAnn Eakin