Thursday, September 13, 2012

Churches Now Soft Targets

We've all seen the blow up in the Middle East this week starting on 9/11.  We know it is not because of a Coptic Christian in Egypt who put out an anti-Islamic movie 6 months ago.

The Taliban/AlQueda have been planning the coordinated protests and the attack on the American Embassy in Libya for several months.  All Marines stationed at all Embassies are basically left defenseless by a bright foreign policy that does not allow them to carry guns with live ammunition!

The Embassy in Libya was a transitional facility, and had no contingent of Marines, but was staffed by State Department and Libyan Security Officers.  The Libyan's took our Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, a California Native, Graduate of Piedmont High and UC Berkley, and 3 others, including 2 Navy Seals to a safe house, then the Libyans gave up where they were.  Our Ambassador was unaccounted for for 8 hours.  They drug him through the streets, already dead.  The photos make that very obvious, and I have a friend in high places who made it very clear, he was executed.  In the end, 4 American's were dead and 3 others persons were injured.  My prayers go out to all of the families, especially our Ambassador Chris Stevens, a fine American.

You may be asking does this have anything to do with 9/11?  All I can say to that is DUH?  It was the 11th anniversary.  Of course this was all about 9/11 from the very beginning, but the White House and the State Department want to blame a film maker who made a film 6 months ago and our Liberal's with by lines, (the main stream media), want to blame Mitt Romney!

After speaking with an intelligence official who happens to be a very reliable source, friend, and great American this evening I believe it is time that America's Church's begin looking into either Security details, or having congregants permitted to own and licensed to carry a firearm in order to protect their congregations, their pastors, and anyone who might attend their church.

I don't speak much of my background, but I was a paralegal for a few years, and worked criminal law.  I know the laws in the state I live in, California and anyone with a permit to own a gun can obtain a license to carry in public.  If you have such a permit, get licensed to carry and start protecting your congregation, and please, urge all pastors to look into purchasing a bullet proof vest.  It is completely legal for a pastor to wear one in the state of California.  Other states, have different laws.  If you are not in California, call your local police department, or check your State Government websites for information regarding the laws in your state.  

Church's, Christians, they are coming to get us next.  WE ARE SOFT TARGETS!  If you think the violence is over there, and is not going to touch us over here, think again.  It is not a matter of "IF" anymore, it is a matter of  "WHEN!"  They have 40,000 trained Hezbollah terrorists in this country, who came through the southern borders of Arizona and California and are now situated all over the United States.  Sensitive targets in each state should be on high alert.

This message is a warning.  Please, don't let this information slip from your hands.  I know the law in my state, check the laws in yours and please, protect yourselves and please stay safe.

God Bless you all, God Bless the United States of America and above all, God Save the Church, her Pastors, Priests, Preachers, Praise/Worship Teams, Congregations and Visitors.  Amen.

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