Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fairytales Vs. Golgatha's Hill

There is a book out there that talks about Jesus being a woman's bridegroom.  The only problem I have with it is this:  It seems to be written for lonely women on every front.  Those who haven't found a mate, those who were left by their spouse and those that are divorced.

In doctrine, Jesus is Bridegroom to us all.  Not just the women.  This book is written by women for women, and I'm sorry, but with the days so short, instead of playing emotional tag with the devil shouldn't we be girding our loins with the truth of God's word - I mean MEAT AND VEGGIES PEOPLE!  The stuff that will keep you going in the midst of a battle!  Not some girly book that might heal a woman's heart, but rather the big book, for adults, called "The Bible," written to heal all of our hurts?  All of our hearts? There is no middle ground.  You're either hot, or you are cold.

I just left a message for my Monday night class facilitator and told her, "I need more meat and veggies.  I want to do Daniel or Ezekiel."  We're just too close to the end!  And what people do not recognize is that the devil, the father of lies, is using our EMOTIONS against us, just like he's using this book to get women to trade in what they know is true for some fairy tale about Jesus.

Yeah, you know the one.  The one who took it upon Himself to DIE FOR US, the one who took it upon Himself to DESCEND INTO HELL AND SET THE CAPTIVES FREE WHILE TAKING THE KEYS FROM SATAN, the one who against every odd ever taken ROSE TRIUMPHANTLY FROM THE DEAD TO ASCEND TO THE RIGHT HAND OF THE THRONE AND THEN SEND US A COMFORTER, THE HOLY SPIRIT!  (See Acts 2:1-13).

I don't know, maybe it is because I live in a living hell with my own ex husband, having to depend upon him for everything.  I HATE THAT!  I hate being sick, and I truly hate watching that man, who we bore 4 kids together, who I have loved for 27 years, parade a girlfriend into the home my kids grew up in for a little weekly "activity" once or twice a week.  Gimme a break.  Jesus is not a FAIRY TALE - HE IS REAL!  I CAN FEEL HIM HERE WITH ME AT NIGHT WHEN THOSE TORMENTED FEELINGS ARISE!  HE HOLDS ME, HE WHISPERS IN MY EAR - WHY DO I NEED A FREAKIN BOOK WHEN I HAVE THE REAL THING ALREADY?

Oh I've prayed, and I've prayed, but now?  Now they are taking weekend excursions together.  That's a little more serious than him just using her for sex.  How do I deal with that?  I turn to the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!  FOR SOME DAY I SHALL BE VINDICATED!

I recently found out that if he wanted to, he could have me evicted.  I only moved back in in 2008 due to my illness. The truth that came about?  He got me to give up the garnishments of Alimony and Child support, which he got without much fuss, although it was under duress while he yelled and screamed at me.  I let it go, me not wanting to fan the flame, if you know what I mean.  He even promised to pay my bills and when I finally went to him with one I couldn't pay, he laughed in my face.  He was making 6K a month at the time.

So how am I supposed to do this study where the title of Chapter 2 is "Some day my prince will come," when HE'S ALREADY HERE?

My Jesus was born of a virgin.  He lived as a carpenter for 30 yrs and then began His ministry, at the end of which everyone who loved Him on Palm Sunday spat at Him as He climbed Golgotha's Hill and then watched as He was nailed to a tree to pay the ultimate price for all of us.  He gave His life.  How can I read about Him being anything but that?  For "by his stripes we are healed!"  (Isaiah 53:5).  Let me tell ya something folks:  At that moment in time?  He looked like anything but a "Prince."  He was my LORD AND MY GOD!

I've been hurt - I have an illness that isn't going away, and I just cannot see where this helps women to see Jesus in another light.  As the guy who lights the candles on your birthday cake, or opens the door for you like a gentleman, all of that "current day" crap!   I started to read and thought I had picked up the wrong book!

He is NOT the God we want.  He is the God who IS!  TIME TO DEAL WITH IT!

The days are short.  We need the Bible and meat and yukky vegetables if we are going to endure to the end.  Not some version of Sleeping Beauty mixed with Prince Jesus come to save the day.  Yea, he will save the day alright, with us riding at His side, the Army of God, riding with Him on that day when those who go against Israel will cry out for mercy and receive NONE! 

I don't know about you ladies, but I never liked "fairy tales," anyway.  I like books of non fiction like THE BIBLE!

When I went looking for "prince charming," it was Grace that found me!

Thank you Jesus.  It's your grace I need, it's your loving arms I need, it's your truth, your steadfastness.....your love.  Thing is?  It was there all the time.  I am one of those strange people....being alone out here, when I go to sleep at night, I feel you holding me, and I'm sorry, cause I don't mean to upset anyone, but what I feel with you every day, is way better than any book.

You are all I've ever needed, from the day you faced Calvary's Cross to save me, until now, when you will be there throughout the tests that are to come.  Thank you Jesus.

You ARE thankfully not the GOD I WANT, but rather You are the GOD WHO IS!  AND YES, I CAN DEAL WITH THAT!

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