Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mercy's Bridge

Ever had a bridge so difficult to cross that you couldn't figure out a way over it?  Maybe the rickety bridge was unstable, maybe it wasn't safe to cross so you just stood there looking at it, paralyzed, not able to move forward, backward, or any other way, knowing that you must cross it, just deciding not to.

Wondering what to do, perhaps you came to the conclusion that you could do it alone.  So without any help, you devised a way to cross, but you were still unsure of whether you would make it, taking a huge risk, knowing that the bridge may not be sound enough to make it even half way before the bridge collapsed from under you.

Sometimes, we forget that God's bridge is always there.  The bridge created by His mercy when He gave His only son Jesus, who walked the earth for just 33 years until he was crucified, taking all of our sins upon Himself.  He is the one who built us a solid, sturdy and unshakeable bridge that connects us directly with our Creator and it is the only way to God.

Jesus told us, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man comes to the Father but by me."  (John 14:6), which means there are no other ways to God but by faith in Christ. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast."  (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Some believe there are many pathways to heaven and God, but there is only one.  "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." (2 Timothy 4:3-4).  In essence this means that "They have exchanged the truth of God for a lie."  (Romans 1:25).

We can build or fashion the bridge any way we want.  We can build it with works, or years of service to the church, but without faith in Christ, a true belief in the fact that he bled, died, and rose again from the dead paying the ultimate price for our sins, we shall not stand with Him in eternity. 

Without faith in God and the redemptive work of Christ on the cross, done on our behalf, the bridge we have built ourselves will crumble into pieces, leaving us hanging with no way out.  And instead of Indiana Jones, who always finds a way, we will fall to our eternal deaths because we simply failed to trust Him!  "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the Kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out."  (Luke 13:28).

Why take the chance?  Only you can make the choice to live, or to die.  The days are growing shorter, as we watch the Middle East exploding around the tiny Nation of Israel, who is prepared to launch against Iran, who is 5-6 months away, some believe, from having a nuclear weapon.

It is time to awaken church, to the fact that there are non believers everywhere around us, even sitting next to us in the pews, who will all go to hell if you don't speak up!  The days of trouble are upon us.  It is time to stop worrying about what we wear, or how cool we look.  It is time to think on the eternal things, rather than the temporal.  This is a temporary life, just as it always has been from the moment you breathed your first breath!  Nothing but the Word of God, Jesus, will remain.

Wouldn't you rather walk through a revolving door into Heaven with Jesus than get left behind on this earth for seven years of hell known as the Tribulation?  In Revelation 4:1, the prophet John, who was being held in chains on the Island of Patmos because of his faith in Christ, was told to "Come up Hither," by God who showed him the things that were to come and he wrote the account, which is the entire book of Revelation.  I will admit, it is frightening to read about the wrath God is going to pour out upon this earth, but wouldn't you rather read about it than live it?  We will be called up to Heaven before it starts, so again, why take the chance? 

If you don't know Him, ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins, and to come and dwell within you, to help you live your life for Him.  It can be hard at first, but find yourself a church with true Bible believers and they will help you in our brand new life and walk with Christ.

Remember, the bridge was made solid by Jesus Christ.  He was the builder, so there is no way you can go wrong with Him.  He is the cornerstone that was rejected.  Go to Him with your sin, rejection, defeat, pain fears and suffering and you will find your way.  You will find joy, happiness and above all, you will finally have peace with Jesus as your savior.  When times get tough, call upon His name, and He will save you!

There is a cross to bridge the great divide.  Jesus built it for us so that we wouldn't have to suffer.  He died so that we might live and have life to the full.  So go have that life to the full that He so graciously and wondrously promised us!  He is there...He is waiting for you!

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JeriAnn Eakin