Saturday, March 28, 2015

End Times & A Ticking Clock

I believe with everything that is just plain ole upside down in this world, there are a lot of people SEARCHING for something to fill that big God shaped gaping hole in their lives. The things that are happening are the reverse of what things used to be and that has a lot of people very frightened about the future and what it may hold.

Since 1979, we have had no diplomatic relations whatsoever with Iran. Now, not only are we negotiating a very dangerous treaty with them on nukes that has a 10 year sunset clause, meaning after 10 years they can build a bomb, (which they won't wait 10 years to do), we are completely double minded in our current foreign policy when it comes to fighting ISIS and the Iranian backed Houthi's in Yemen. In Iraq, the Shia militias left the Iraqi Army to fight on their own because we dropped a few bombs to help them get the ISIS cancer out of Tikrit. But in Yemen, we are fighting AQAP and the Houthi's backed by Iran. It amazes me that Obama is still calling Yemen a success. Huh? Success? If this is what "success" looks like to him, I don't think I could bear his definition of "failure!" This is all totally backwards.  

On the other side of the coin we have Vladimir Putin threatening the Danish with a nuclear attack. Huh? Okay, I simply HAVE to give you a word key to understanding Ezekiel 38. This might just wake a few of you who are slumbering up!

Gog is a man - Putin
Magog is a kingdom - USSR
Meschek is Moscow
Rosh is Russia
Persia is Iran
Ethiopia - Think "Arab Spring Nations"
Put is Libya
Cush is Northern Sudan, Somalia & part of Ethiopia
Gomer is Germany
Beth-Togarmah is Turkey
Land of unwalled villages refers to Israel w/o the USA as an ally
Sheba is part of Yemen
Dedan is Saudi Arabia
Merchants of Tarshish is the UK
Villages (Side Notes say "Young Lions") is the United States of America

Sheba, Dedan, the Merchants and the Young Lions will say in that day "Are you coming to take great plunder?" DUH! Maybe it's a rhetorical question? Nope! They will really say that! The Gog/Magog invasion, if you read Ezekiel 38 with the key above, is actually forming right now! I'm waiting for the Shia and the Sunni's to look at each other and say, "Why are we fighting each other? It's all Israel's fault. Let's go kill them instead." I'm waiting for them to drink a beer, pass the peace pipe and then devise an evil plan to destroy Israel as it says in Ezekiel 38. Russia wants their oil and they are as thick as thieves with Iran! The Russians have been having secret meetings with the Chinese and Iran, one of them in Kaliningrad where the Russians have been flying jets over Lithuania and other Baltic States with their transponders turned off! Putin is sabre rattling! 

These are very exciting days because Jesus could come at any moment to take His Bride, the Church, home to heaven with Him, where we will "ever after be with the Lord." So I will pray for all who read this post, that you will take Ezekiel 38 out and check out the key above. Then keep up on world events. Things are happening at a very rapid pace now! I pray that you will greet the challenge with boldness, faith and a great love for Jesus! It's time we started reaching out to those who aren't saved. Our family, friends and even our acquaintances! If you rely on only Him, He will give you the words!

God bless you as we celebrate Palm Sunday tomorrow. Jesus is calling us to be His hands and feet and we're running out of time! Let's return His faithfulness by being faithful to Him!

Love others, as Jesus loved you and most importantly? Love them with the truth!

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JeriAnn Eakin