Monday, March 23, 2015

The Great Delusion

If you are a Christian, one who is fully awake, then you know that what our President said in his video statement to the people of Iran last week is pure hogwash. He said that the Ayatollah had put a Fatwah on the "development of nuclear weapons." Talk about delusional! The first time I saw him say that? My heart was about to leap out of my chest! It was so stupid, that I thought it was probably a prophecy fulfilled. He is completely deluded, as are so many others, probably too many to count! He truly thinks if we are nice to the Mullah's, that they won't launch a nuke our direction. If it wasn't so scary, I'd be laughing like crazy because his delusional thinking is proof that Jesus is at the door, readying Himself to come in the clouds and take us to heaven.

Let me explain what I mean about delusion. 

In October 1995, I was in a support group of women who, along with myself, had gone through an abortion. I wanted to be a Crisis Pregnancy Counselor, but it was mandatory that I go through "Post Abortion Counseling," before I could become one. While I was going through this counseling process, I had one private meeting with my counselor and one group meeting each week. One afternoon, the leader of the group said she was having trouble forgiving the gray haired grandmother who told her, "It's not a baby honey, it's just the product of conception." 

She seemed to really be struggling with this and I suddenly heard God say in my head "the woman was deceived." When I shared this "word of knowledge," with her and the group, the look of relief that came over her face was absolutely amazing! She was then able to forgive the woman for saying what she had said. She was now ready to pray for her instead of staying angry at her. It was an amazing moment and I will never forget how strong the Holy Spirit was in that room that day! 

"For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie." (2 Thessalonians 2:11). If you think people are delusional now? Just wait! It's going to get much worse. Many are lost. They have been told a pack of lies and they believed them, rather than believing in Jesus Christ or the Word of God. 

So, if you are a Christian, "WAKE UP! SNAP OUT OF IT!" If you aren't, then get it together! Accept Christ as Lord and Savior! The time we have left is diminishing with every tick of the clock and we are running out of time. He could literally snatch us off the earth in the next minute! When you see the kinds of things that are going on in the Middle East, ISIS running wild, Iranian's now taking back the land and killing the cancer called ISIS, but can we trust them to leave Iraq when it's over? There were recently, two meetings between Russia, China and Iran, so our President's statement that Iran put out a Fatwah on the development of nuclear weapons, is ludicrous! Trouble is a comin! This is bible prophecy happening right before our very eyes! 

I know. We are living in crazy, evil times, but remember always what Jesus said in Matthew 24. "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near." (Luke 21:28).

It's going to get scary, but He is going to protect us! There is no reason to fear! The bible says, "No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent." He'll help us! He'll take care of all the details, we just have to show up! 

Time to wake up and start understanding the things we are about to go through. Just don't forget, Jesus is with you always and He will give you the words, the faith and the boldness to do what you are called to do! 

Just do your best. Jesus will take care of the rest!

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JeriAnn Eakin