Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Final Warning

"I know your deeds, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish you were either one or the other! So because you are lukewarm, neither hot or cold, I will spit you out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:15-16).

Even though this is a message to the Church at Sardis, it applies to all Christians who believe in Jesus, and those that believe who have fallen away from their faith. There are many who have fallen away and they are all ASLEEP! Time to ring the alarm bells folks! We're going home very soon! 

The rapid pace of things that are happening around us, especially in the Middle East and with Russia, all fits with biblical prophecy. It is a sign, and we better get the lead out if we wish to use the time we have left to be witnesses for Jesus. So many are still lost! We should all be burdened for those that are not saved, not keeping quiet about our faith. They are dying in their sins, and if we don't witness to them when we have the chance? They may not ever get saved and that would not only be tragic, but it will cause us to lose some of our rewards! Why do you think I harp on this subject???

Revelation 3:15-16, is a warning that comes right before John is taken up into heaven for God to show him all that would come after. Back in the early 80's, I got an administrative assistant position working for a division of Hughes Aircraft that was contracted by the Army to build the AH-64A Apache Attack Helicopter. If I've ever seen anything that looked like a giant locust, that helicopter totally fits! "They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle." (Revelation 9:9). 

The US Army's AH-64A Apache Attack Helicopter

Of course, if we are Raptured with the Church, we won't be here to confirm this, but it does look like a giant locust doesn't it? Revelation 9:9 seems to describe this helicopter to a T! A lot of biblical scholars, preachers, etc., have thought that John, in his 1st century mind, couldn't understand what it was he was actually seeing, so he just described it the best way he could for his limited knowledge at the time. They fly low and point out targets for fighters and they are also very lethal all by themselves! I got to see the prototype roll out just after beginning my job with Hughes and I'd never seen anything like it! It could move in ways that most helicopters cannot, and they gave us all one heck of a show when they rolled it out. A memory that I will never forget. And boy, was it ever LOUD! (Just like thunder)!

Here is the point: In Revelation 3:15-16, Jesus is warning us! He is saying "You need to be on fire for Me!" If we're not on fire for the Gospel, and we're not looking for Him to return, there is probably a very good chance that He could come with the sound of the trumpet (Shofar), and it won't wake those who are slumbering, thinking that Jesus is a long way off! So, yeah! It's time to wakey wakey! 

Revelation 4:1 denotes the actual rapture of the Church. The anti-christ isn't even revealed until Revelation 6. Did you get that? 4 and 6? 4 comes BEFORE 6! Now, if the church disappears in 4:1, and the anti-christ isn't revealed until chapter 6? We won't know who he is, so stop trying to figure it out! It won't matter! We'll be in heaven for the judgment and a huge party with Jesus called "The Marriage Supper of the Lamb!" Personally, I cannot wait and I truly believe that we are not that far away! 

So, please? If your bible has been collecting dust on a shelf, pull it down and start reading it! Ask God to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him to do His will in your life. Pray A LOT! We are to "pray without ceasing." (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

The days are short and we all need to get our acts together! God will not hesitate to leave you behind if you're asleep at the wheel, I don't care how much you go to church! If you are a true follower and know your bible then you know that I'm right. I believe there will be a huge revival if we are here to see the Lord destroy those who come against Israel in the Gog/Magog invasion. The United States relationship with Israel is really tenuous, at best, if not completely destroyed, so I think we are more than close. Gog/Magog is at the door! It's forming right now!

I hope this encourages you to get right, start living for Christ and Him alone and letting people see the light in you shining so bright, that they can't help but ask themselves and you, "what is different," and it won't just be a hair cut! 

Be at peace. Jesus loves you! He wants you in heaven with him! It's not too late to change course and serve the Lord the way He wants you to serve! 

Let's face it. We can choose to make it all about ourselves or all about Him. It's our choice! Just remember, He is at the door! We are watching Matthew 24 and Luke 21 happen right before our eyes! 

We just need to be awake enough to see it!

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JeriAnn Eakin