Friday, March 20, 2015

Truth or Consequences?

I have a friend that I've been friends with for over 15 years. I've tried to witness to her over the years, but today, she asked me a question and I thought, "WOW!" Normally she doesn't like to talk about it, but today she did!

She was asking me about who she should pray to. She says she prays and always talks to "God." Bless her heart, she wanted to know if she should be saying the name of Jesus when she prays! I was FLOORED! This is my best friend, who believes in a lot of things that are completely opposite of Christianity. She just asked the one question, but I was spurred on! I explained salvation, how it is achieved through the grace of God when He gave us the "lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world," and she was asking even more questions! This from a person who always changes the subject when I mention it.

I've been witnessing to her for a long time, so please pray for her? Her name is "D." I am protecting her anonymity, but would love it if some of the readers of this blog prayed for her? That would be so cool! We could accomplish what God wills together. She's very confused, but I am highly optimistic about her accepting Christ and making a proclamation about it! 

It can be exciting leading people to Jesus! You just never know what He might do! Bless all who read this and may we all go out and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Amen!

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JeriAnn Eakin