Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Independence Day!

Lately I've been hearing a lot of "thunder" out of those who would destroy American ideals and US history. I'm also hearing even bigger "thunder" from a lot of people who are furious, mad as hell and ready to go to war over all the lawlessness of this administration! I keep telling them, "Jesus said that when you see these things happening, do not fear. Lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near." (Luke 21:28). 

 A group that advocates for the separation of church and state is claiming victory after an announcement by the Department of Defense. It is being said that the DOD, is moving to remove all military edition bibles off the shelf at BX's (Base Exchanges), & PX's, (Post Exchanges)! Click Here for the Full Story!

A Female African American Marine, refused to take a bible verse off of her computer. The Marine Corps. decided that the verse "could easily be seen as contrary to good order and discipline," she was court martialed because she refused to remove the verse! She stood up for the Lord! God bless her!  Click Here for the Full Story!

2014 - Several bakeries, florists and photographers came under attack. Gay couples searched for Christian bakeries, knowing they would refuse to bake their cake or participate in their wedding. One of these bakeries, I think it's in Oregon, owes $150,000 in fines! What happened to the First Amendment? Go to the page link and see what happens when a guy calls and wants a cake that says that "Gay Marriage Is Wrong." The Gay bakery owners, all said no along with one gal who just went nuts cursing at the guy! Parental guidance suggested on this one?  It's an amazing video & article! Click Here for the Full Story!

Just remember one thing: If you've read the whole bible, especially Revelation, then you know that there is a "lake of fire" and an "abyss" awaiting all the evil on this planet and in the supernatural realm. When he fell, Satan took a 1/3 of the angels with him! This is why there is a war of good and evil, not just in this country, but going on right above our heads! 

So don't give up! Keep fighting this tyranny! God wouldn't want us to just sit idly by and watch it happen! As for God judging our country? He will keep His own safe! It's going to be a bumpy ride, but I cannot wait to get to heaven and see the One who made me! 

For the USMC, US Navy, USAF, US Army, US Coast Guard and all of our Veterans we thank you all for keeping America safe! For those of you who are currently on active duty, you guys are doing a fantastic job! Keep up the good work. To Vacaville, Fairfield, Suisun, Dixon, Cordelia and Vallejo Police, you are all in my prayers! Be safe out there! 

Even when it seems like we're being surrounded? Just remember, Jesus and His angels are standing with us, fighting off the evil around us so you will be safe! God will take care of us, but we have to start loving each other! Otherwise? There is no hope! 

We must love everyone we meet, even if we dislike their viewpoint. They are God's children. They may be lost, but maybe God is calling you to lead them to the Promised land! And if they don't come to the full knowledge of God? There is a waterer, and a sower! That sower will get the win for the Kingdom! And being a Christian? That is TRUE FREEDOM! Freedom from your past, freedom from all of your hurt, freedom from the world, and freedom in the Spirit. It's awesome!

Happy 239th Birthday America! Thank you to all of those who came here for religious freedom! We may be losing it very slowly, but we need to fight to keep it strong! For, "I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13). There's a lot of work to do! But we can make America great again!

Hope you enjoy this very cute video of Michael W. Smith playing with his grandkids!

God Bless. Happy Independence Day!

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JeriAnn Eakin