Friday, July 3, 2015

Love One Another

Jesus told the disciples, "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another!" (John 13:35).

We can see what is going on all over the world, and yet we all continue to tear each other apart. That is, until Charleston happened. Those people are a cut above! They came out in court, and told that 16 year old white supremacist, "we forgive you." Do you know how, and why they were able to do that? #1 - They know their bibles! #2 - The bible tells us "Judge not, lest ye be judged." (Matthew 7:1), and finally #3 - These people know the true consequences of unforgiveness! "But if you do not forgive others, Your Father will not forgive you." (Matthew 6:15). 

If we are to defeat that wiley ole serpent, we need TO LEARN EXACTLY HOW HE OPERATES! Without that knowledge, we can't fight against him sufficiently! He uses our emotions, past failures, etc., to keep us in a box! Don't let him do that to you! Get forgiven! "His mercies are new every morning!" (Lamentations 3:23). That is one my favorite bible verses because I miss the mark EVERY DAY! There isn't one day I am alive, that I do not sin in some way shape or form, as is the case with all races, creeds and colors. Not one of us has one merit on our own, no matter how good we are as people. Only the blood of Christ saves and makes us "white as snow," meaning, "pure as the wind driven snow?" Have you ever seen dirty snow? Think of beautiful, perfect, snow. Then mix your sins in? God shows us that explanation of sin every winter! (Sad that people don't see it themselves?).

Andrew Young, the former African American Mayor of Atlanta, came out recently to defend the Confederate Flag. The wrath of the left will call him "another Uncle Tom," simply because he is an African American who is standing up to defend this Nation's history, sad though some of it be! The lie that it's the Republican's oppressing millions of African American's, or it's the cops, or whatever argument they tend to come up with all "spur of the moment" like, they can't erase the history of this great country and get away with it! People are starting to STAND UP! 

Obviously Mr. Young has a brain to think with because he understands why we honor that flag. It's because it REMINDS us of what we did to each other in the Civil War, and how our Union was nearly ripped to shreds! He wants the reminder, so that we NEVER DO IT AGAIN! 

"Those who do not know history, are doomed to repeat it." Edmund Burke. 

So, take the reminders of the Civil War, rename the streets, take down the monuments, revise our history, dumb down our kids until their so indoctrinated through "common core" that they continue to further destroy the country? This is the mantra of the "secular-progressive left" in this country. They hate God. They hate this Country and they hate all opposition to their point of view, as we are seeing the attack, not only on the Confederate flag, but now the American flag as well. 

The American Flag, or "Old Glory" as she is known, represents all the blood spilled in every war ever fought, but most especially the Civil War in which over a half a million people DIED! And that was "US vs US!"  That flag is also a reminder of the tyranny we fled in the 1600's when the Mayflower set sail for Plymouth. The crown of England would not allow the commoners to read the bible in English, thus translating it for themselves.  They found em, they burned em! AND THIS IS THE 1600'S! BEFORE HITLER! (What? You didn't know that? I suggest you rent the DVD "Monumental." You'll learn a great deal!). 

The people who fought and died for this country in the Revolutionary War as well as the Civil War did so in order to complete a process that started in the Continental Congress when the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. The Founders tried to end slavery in that document, but it was SOUTH CAROLINA that prevented them from doing so because they didn't want to give up their slaves!

Since last Thursday and Friday's disastrous decisions by the Court, there is now mounting sentiment, (Google it if you don't believe me!), out there not just to force Priests to marry gay's, but also to pressure the church into no longer displaying the Christian flag because it's outdated and to remove the American Flag because all forms of patriotism are signs of Idolatry. Oh yeah. They slam our religion to our face. And then? They use it against us!!!! 

Time to Wake Up Christian! Dust off that sword that lays dusty on your shelf! The Word of God is a sword you can slay that nasty devil with! For those of you who've kept a bible as an "ornament?" Time to pray that you are found worthy of Jesus! He's not going to tarry much longer! 

If you are a Christian, and you're not ready for heaven like RIGHT NOW? Time to do some soul searching and get right with God Almighty! It's now time to "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." (Luke 21:36). Are you Worthy of Jesus right this minute? Say a quick prayer! I blow it every five minutes. God is aware of our frailties, but if you wait too long, it may be too late!

"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eye of Him to whom we must give an accounting." (Hebrews 4:13).

May we all prove, that we are indeed, worthy of Jesus. God Bless You all. Happy 4th to those of you here in the USA!

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JeriAnn Eakin