Sunday, July 26, 2015

Joy comes in the Morning!

"For I will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and give them joy for their sorrow." (Jeremiah 31:13).

Go figure. Yesterday? I had this very heavy spirit on me. I just couldn't shake it, no matter what I tried, nothing seemed to cheer me up. I felt as if someone had died? Well, thank you to whoever saw that and prayed! God gave me such joy today, I need to share with you what I've learned! This is something I have been rattling on about for awhile, and here it all is, in it's much more convenient video format! 

TBN did a special with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, who wrote "The Harbinger," and "The Mystery of the Shemitah." You HAVE TO SEE THIS! This will build your faith and cheer you up! What we're watching going on around us? It's the "days of Noah," as God proclaimed it would be in His word, and it's getting faster and faster and faster, the destruction of God, belief, faith, the bill of rights, it's all falling apart! The only way we're going to make it is to repent of all sin, love each other as Jesus would love us, pray a whole lot, fellowship, preach the Word and save the lost!

Pastor John Hagee has a saying. "Pray up, pack up, cause we're goin up." I'd like to make a slight revision. "Pray up, don't give up, cause we're goin up!" Enjoy the video's here and have a very blessed evening and an even more blessed week, with safe travels to you all!

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JeriAnn Eakin