Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I was watching an episode of Joyce Meyer yesterday, and she was talking about the power of the mind over the devil! 

That when we wake each day, we have an opportunity to make a choice.  Live by what we feel - "Oh, I feel so yukky today."  "Oh.....I just wanna stay in bed...I'm so depressed..."  Okay, now go ahead..tell me you haven't felt like that before?  Did it ruin your entire day?

That's because when you agree that how you feel is how you are going to think all day, you set yourself up for instant defeat.  Next time you do, note all the things that happen with your relationships that day, because I guarantee they might be damaged by your behavior due to how you "feel."  We can't live life by how we feel!  Emotions just cannot be trusted!  The devil uses them to deceive and taunt us into feeling the way HE wants us to feel!

Instead - before climbing out of bed, claim God's promise.  "This is the day that the Lord hath made!  I WILL rejoice and be glad in  it!"  (Psalms 118:24).

What she seemed to be trying to get across is that we all need to check our "self talk,"  and casting out thoughts that do not meet scriptural approval.

Kay Arthur, the famous bible teacher, once said, "If it doesn't match that scripture, don't let your mind dwell on that thought!  Toss it out!"  She was referring to Philippians 4:8 which says "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."

Okay, so now you know why I don't go to horror movies!  lol.

So take it from one who knows, this does work!  "Power Thoughts," is a book just out by Joyce Meyer.  If you have trouble with "stinkin thinkin," that continually ruins your day, steals your joy, please go and  Get a copy right from her website and sign up for her Daily Devotional as well and take those few extra minutes over your morning coffee, or turn off the radio in the car on the way to work and just converse with your heavenly father!  He's always there and he's always listening?  

When the devil puts a thought in your mind, if it doesn't meet Philippians 4:8?  TOSS IT!  Tell the devil out loud, "I don't agree with you!"  The devil cannot hear your thoughts, but he can hear your words.  Jesus talked to him!  He said, "Get thee behind me Satan!"  (Matthew 16:23).  Did you know that Satans demons shrink at the very name of Christ!!!!  So say it out loud!  "Devil, in the name of Jesus Christ my saviour, TAKE A HIKE!"  

Trust me.  When you wake up, with a bad attitude?  You're gonna have a bad day.  Just set that alarm for a little earlier?  Talk to God about your day, and claim His promises out loud.  "I was chosen before the foundations of the world to be holy and blameless in Him," (Ephesians 1:4), so I can do this!"  

Look in that mirror and trust God, in faith, for we "cannot please Him without faith", (Hebrews 11:6),  and remind yourself that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," (Philippians 4:13).  Maybe that could include getting through the day with a smile on your face, a song in your heart and the desire to reach out to those who may not know Jesus!   Ask God  for opportunities to save a lost soul or offer a kind word to someone who needs it today, rather than brushing them off and then?  Go out and CONQUER!   "We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!"  (Romans 8:37) and "We are all children of God!"  (Romans 8:16).

Go out and help someone else, and I guarantee you won't feel so bad about your situation anymore!  You will realize that your pity party is nothing compared to that family you are watching move out of their foreclosed home across the street as you walk to your car to go to your job.  Hey, at the very least, say a prayer for them and commit to pray for their circumstances?  As encouragement goes, it's just a warm up I know...a true soft ball...just to commit to pray for one family?  Even if you never know what happens to them?  TRUST AND HAVE FAITH!  GOD HEARS YOUR PRAYERS - HE HEARS YOUR BURDEN, HE KNOWS THEIR BURDEN!  HE FEELS IT WITH YOU!  SO PRAY ANYWAY!  COMMIT ANYWAY!  DO IT ANYWAY!

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JeriAnn Eakin